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Who is Anupam Tripathi, the Indian actor in Netflix’s Squid Game?


Netflix’s new Korean dram Squid Game is one of the most watched shows on the streaming app. Written and directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk, the series also stars Anupam Tripathi, an Indian actor. Anupam stars as Pakistani migrant worker Javed Ali in the series.


Squid Game has taken the world by storm. The actor Anupam Tripathi, who plays a central role in the series, also gained popularity after the series was released worldwide on Netflix. Born in Delhi, Anupam Tripathi did theater in the national capital from 2006 to 2010. He moved to South Korea in 2010. He wanted to join the National School of Drama. However, after getting a scholarship from Korea National University of the Arts, he joined the undergraduate program there. After completing his studies, he stayed in South Korea to try his hand at Korean showbiz. Prior to Squid Game, Anupam featured many Korean TV shows and movies. He made his acting debut with the Korean film Ode to My Father in 2014. His other projects include the popular Korean series Descendants of the Sun and Hospital Playlist and the 2021 film Space Sweepers.


Ali from Anupma Tripathi is player # 199 in Squid Game. He is a Pakistani migrant worker, who stays in Seol with his wife and baby. However, things get difficult for him when his employers refuse to pay his salary. As a result, he agrees to join the deadly game Squid. Anupam’s popularity increased following the premiere of Squid Game on September 17 on Netflix. Currently, he has 2.9 million followers on Instagram.

Take a look at some of Anupam Tripathi’s posts on Instagram:


Squid Game caught everyone’s attention with its siege edge story. The nine-part Korean series tells the story of a group of desperate people who sign up to play mysterious children’s games in the hopes of winning a huge cash prize. They risk their lives for a cash prize of KRW 45.6 billion. In the series, 456 people from all walks of life are invited to play a series of games that have deadly consequences.

Before the start of the games, participants are invited to tell the organizers if they do not wish to participate. However, they are not opposed to it due to the huge cash prize. Once the game starts, the colorful gaming arena transforms into a deadly site, full of shock and screaming.

Squid Game also stars Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, O Yeong-su, Wi Ha-joon, Jung Ho-yeon, Heo Sung-tae, and Kim Joo-ryoung.

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