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Is Squid Game suitable for children?

Is Squid Game suitable for children?



Disclaimer: Squid Game is rated TV-MA and contains graphic violence, sexual content, and mature themes.

By now you’ve probably heard of Squid Game, the new Netflix show in which contestants compete in childhood games for a big cash prize. The show has gone viral, as Netflix shows often do, with memes, viral TikToks, and so much social media talk it’s hard to ignore.

Your curiosity might pique for the show. It’s everywhere. It seems that this is the show of the moment. But let me tell you, Squid Game is a deep dive into the darker parts of the human psyche, involving competition with deadly consequences for the loser.

What is the squid game?

Squid Game is basically another version of Battle Royale, Lord of the Flies or The Hunger Games. It’s a survival style show where the contestants have to win the day in order to avoid being murdered.

Creator Hwang Dong-hyuk said he got the idea after reading manga and manhwa (which are Japanese and Korean comics respectively) with themes like the ones you see in Royal battle, according to Variety.

The main character of the series is Seong Gi-hun (Lee Jung-jae), a driver addicted to the game and ready to do anything to survive. The opening episode shows his game in full screen, leading him to some serious trouble. So begins his journey in the Squid Games.

Every character competing in the games has a problem at home. Some are in serious debt and others have difficulties that make life difficult for them.

The first episode offers all the lessons you need. If you’ve watched Battle Royale, Lord of the Flies, or The Hunger Games, you’ll get the idea. Gambling can get you into debt. Large debt can put you in the wrong crowd. Bad crowds can get you murdered. So it’s probably best not to steal money from your mom so that you can play horse racing like Seong Gi-hun does in the first episode.

Is the Squid Game popular?

Squid game became the most popular Korean drama in Netflix history, according to Vox. And it’s currently set to beat Bridgerton as the most popular show in Netflix history. Seriously.

He captivated the country, especially the Internet. In fact, gambling has become a topic of the internet memes, in line Games and TikTok challenges (as do most popular products).

It means that people of all ages see this spectacle. For example, Roblox, a video game often played by children, has a number of Squid Game imitations, according to Polygon. Specifically, there are counterfeits for games such as Squid game (a unique game included in the show) and Red light Green light (that old school game you will probably remember, also featured in Squid Game).

So yeah, it’s more than just a Netflix show. Squid Game is a viral sensation popping up all over the internet, and it will only continue to spread with more awareness.

What is the message of the squid game?

Obviously, the show wants you to see its message that capitalism and debt can lead to major problems. One of the characters is a graduate student buried in debt. Another tries to collect enough money to save her brother. There are so many people buried in debt.

Squid Game wants you to understand that debt is a major issue in our lives. And indeed, this is one of the biggest issues people face today. According to 2018 Federal Reserve dataAmericans have over $ 1 trillion in combined credit card debt. And Americans have over $ 2.8 trillion in non-revolving debt (like loans).

Viewers can witness the problems associated with debt from the first episode. You can see gambling, betting, theft and murder issues. After the first and second episodes, which show the lives of the characters and the issues they face, you’re left with just one dark competitive show where people die. You might as well watch The Hunger Games for the same posts.

Squid Game memes are fun to watch. The first few episodes give you enough understanding that internet jokes make sense. But the show itself is nothing but a ghoulish take on the psyche of what humans will do to survive and what they will do to get out of debt. It’s an even darker sight because there are a lot of characters who prefer to see the people around them die so that they can come out of the holes they’ve dug themselves into.




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