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New Jersey actor Alex Aldea succeeds with Independent Film & Network Television


Alex Aldea joined Brian Brodeur at East main studios to discuss his experiences in the world of television production in New York and New Jersey, projects presented at the next Garden State Film Festival and his work as a commissioner of the Paterson Film and Entertainment Commission.

Aldea's next role arrives tomorrow night CBS, where he will be on the show Taurus. Michael Weatherly stars in audience drama inspired by the life of Dr. Phil McGraw (from Dr. Phil Show), who founded one of the most successful trial consultancy companies of all time early in his career.

Brodeur asked Aldea what it was like to work on the production scene in New York. Most of the sites are in Brooklyn or Queens, he said. "You walk past these places," said Aldea, "and from the outside, it's a warehouse, then you come in, and everything is state-of-the-art."

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Aldea, who worked as both a lawyer and an investment banker, decided to pursue his dream of acting a few years ago, and this decision has already proven to be successful, with roles in Blue blood, Pope on CNNand a multitude of independent films.

Aldea is Commissioner of Paterson Film and Entertainment Commission. "We are people who really strive to make filming easy and fun in Paterson, New Jersey," said Aldea. Paterson, which has historic locations like The big falls, and is located at the intersection of three major New Jersey highways, has a wide range of settings and a diverse population.

New Jersey has a Tax Credit and State Incentive Program for Filmmakersand production in the state has exploded in recent years. With locations in Paterson ranging from post-industrial to urban environments, mansions to historic buildings, "there's absolutely everything you could want to film in a city," said Aldea.

Aldea also presented two films at the Garden State Film Festival in Asbury Park, NJ later this month. In one, he plays a villain; the other, a serial killer. "I love playing bad guys," said Aldea. "It's always a lot of fun."

Aldea has been both the object and the host of many of our East Main Podcasts, which you can listen to on

To learn more about Aldea and her career, visit

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