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10 family hotels respecting strict health and safety protocols


the ritz carlton bacara

Courtesy of Ritz Carlton Bacara

These days, traveling with loved ones isn’t just about finding a resort with activities and amenities to keep everyone in your party happy. Retirement should be a place where health precautions are the top priority. Beyond just having hand sanitizer in public places or a verbal commitment to deep cleaning the room, serious safety precautions should take precedence over anything else so that guests feel confident they can take family without worry. It’s a tall order, but these 10 resorts around the world are taking it to heart.

To note: Even though these resorts take health and safety protocols seriously, traveling is still a calculated risk. CDC recommends delaying travel until you’re fully immunized. If you are not fully vaccinated and need to travel, follow the CDC’s recommendations for unvaccinated people.


Grand Velas Los Cabos, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

This all-inclusive resort puts COVID-19 protocols in daily practice. Staff members have their time taken twice a day and are required to go through a high efficiency infrared steam cleaning cabin at the entrance to the complex. Disinfection is serious business here – anyone entering the rooms should clean the soles of their shoes. That’s because the vacation begins in the Deluxe Room itself, a sprawling 1,180-square-foot suite with ocean views and a private deck.

Parents can enjoy a little relaxation while the kids’ club tends toddlers in group activities like scavenger hunts, arts and crafts, swimming or watching movies in the theater. The Teen Club treats kids 13 and up to their own mini-vacation in a club room with video games, karaoke, dance floor, and mocktails. There is even a baby concierge appointed to take care of the smallest travelers. When the family gets together, everyone can take part in building sandcastles, water balloon wars, origami lessons, mousse parties, cooking and baking lessons, driving movies, cultural shows, etc.

Rates from $ 659 per person per night, all inclusive



Hyatt Regency Grand Reserve Puerto Rico, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

From digital check-in and take-out meals to take-out room service, this retreat takes cleanliness and care to heart with a security program developed by healthcare professionals at the Cleveland Clinic. The bungalow-style rooms on the ground floor have UV light-purifying air-conditioning units, as well as easy access to the property’s floating water park and lagoon-style swimming pool (with plenty of activities in the distance. social for the whole family). Set on 72 acres of lush gardens just 15 minutes from the country’s only rainforest, Hyatt Regency Grand Reserve offers fun not only for kids, but adults too. Adults can find all kinds of recreation: test their swing on the two championship golf courses, savor a well-deserved time at the spa or simply pull up a lounge chair to relax on the private beach.

Rates from $ 344 per night



The Westin Cape Coral Resort in Marina Village, Cape Coral, Florida

Located in the picturesque Tarpon Point Marina overlooking the Gulf of Mexico and Caloosahatchee River, this retreat is an outdoor oasis designed for families to enjoy the amenities and outdoor activities (in an extended way). Tennis, kayaking, paddleboarding, private fishing charters along the 400 miles of canals and waterways surrounding the resort, movie nights on the lawn, arts and crafts, and yoga sessions keep your crew entertained all day. Spacious suites and expansive outdoor spaces make it easy for guests to get around. Families can also use a touchless refrigerator refill program, where they will receive prepared meals prepared by the chef to eat in their suite.

Rates from $ 177 per night



Sea Crest Beach Hotel, Falmouth, MA

This charming Cape Cod hideaway on Old Silver Beach is where memories are always being made. Responding to clans year after year, the hotel has a warm and comfortable vibe that will make your group feel right at home. The three-bedroom, three-bathroom cottages, sleeping eight and featuring a washer / dryer and kitchen, are ideal for large teams. Everyone will feel safe and secure with HEPA filtration, in-room fitness equipment, mobile check-in and check-out, and cleaning practices developed in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards. Here, we have fun outdoors at the beach, on a jet ski or a kayak, practicing arts and crafts activities, or diving in the indoor and outdoor pools, the highlight of which is Scoop, the bar at ice cream by the pool.

Rates from $ 169 per night



Legoland New York Hotel, Goshen, New York

With 250 themed rooms ranging from pirates and ninjas to royal kingdoms and LEGO characters, the LEGOLAND New York hotel takes the art of building to epic proportions. Each bedroom has separate dorms for kids with bunk and trundle beds, and budding builders can get to work right away with LEGO bricks.

Located in New York’s Hudson Valley – and right next to the LEGOLAND theme park – the hotel prides itself on its contactless programming with virtual recordings. Google Nest Hubs in every bedroom can order room service, send the kids on a in-room scavenger hunt, or tell interactive bedtime stories. Your little ones can learn new building techniques in creative workshops with master modelers. There’s daily entertainment, including LEGO character tours and a resort-style heated outdoor pool. Parents can grab a bite (and a break) at the Skyline Bar, where they can sip cocktails while watching their kids play in the huge LEGO castle in the lobby.

Rates from $ 249 per night



Sea Breeze Beach House, Christ Church, Barbados

Catch a wave, take a dip in the pristine waters of the Caribbean, or relax as your little ones kite, swim, do art projects and activities on the beach, or take part in wildlife tours under the sea. supervision of qualified staff of the children’s club. And you don’t have to worry about your anxious teens, who can let off steam in their own living room filled with video games, TVs, art supplies, table tennis, and more. To the sound of the conch, everyone tends to take a tasty break with Freezy Breezy, a mobile bike cart that delivers fresh ice cubes daily. The spacious family suites can accommodate up to 12 people so your crew doesn’t feel cramped. Each room has its own ventilation system, private balcony, and patio – and common hallways are open-air so guests can keep their distance.

Rates from $ 511 per night



The Ritz-Carlton Bacara, Santa Barbara, California

Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ynez Mountains, the Ritz Carlton Bacara is a scenic plot spanning 78 acres and includes two beaches, enchanting gardens, three saltwater infinity pools, and a spa and fitness center. wellness area of ​​42,000 square feet.

Daily programming includes yoga classes, guided hikes and aqua aerobics classes, ideal for adults. Meanwhile, children can cultivate the love of nature. Guided by naturalists, the resort’s Environmental Ambassadors program teaches children about the natural wonders all around, like the kelp forest, local birds, and the intertidal zone, through daily activities and adventures. As a family, your clan will feel safe and secure participating in unique group activities like succulent building, painting, and movie nights. Here, major security measures means elevator occupancy limited to family members only, contactless in-room meals and mobile check-in.

Rates from $ 499 per night



Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort, Maui, Hawaii

Adventure is second nature at this 15-acre oceanfront property, and access to a GoPro Hero 5 camera lets you capture every experience, from canoe trips to scuba diving expeditions, in including stand up paddle boarding and guided kayak tours. For loved ones wishing to stay on earth, the resort offers necklace making classes, ukulele and hula dancing lessons. The 1,900 square foot Ilikai Villas have spacious digs ideal for families – and especially for those who want to be left alone. Each comes with a Bosch gourmet kitchen, sprawling lanai, and private plunge pools in the downstairs units. The motto of safety first here is taken very seriously; rigorous standards govern the day to ensure a protected stay.

Rates from $ 1,222 per night



Barnsley Resort, Adairsville, Georgia

Southern hospitality meets outdoor adventure at Barnsley Resort, a playground for everyone in your party. Safety is paramount; some of the practices include repeated EPA-approved cleaning, frequent hand washing and changing of gloves (every 20 minutes) required for employees and catering staff, deliveries of pre-packaged ice cubes and seals and housekeeping on request. And luckily, with 3,000 acres to spread out, there’s plenty of room to enjoy recreation. Golf at the performance center, tennis lessons, archery, ax throwing, hiking in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, biking trails and relaxing boat rides on the lake will keep everyone busy. . Children can ride the trails on horseback rides in a corral or try their hand at catch-and-release fishing. Large groups can even choose to book a private 7 bedroom cottage so that each family member can have their own bedroom.

Rates from $ 307 per night



Nemacolin, Farmington, Pennsylvania

Nestled in the Allegheny Mountains, Nemacolin is a family business and tailor-made for young and old. Kids ages 4-8 will love the high-flying adventure at Little Tykes Ropes Course (there is also an adult version). For those who want to stay anchored, there’s an arcade and carousel and an indoor children’s pool that’s open year-round. Guided game drives allow guests to wander the wild side of the resort in intimate groups of 10 or visit various wildlife habitats with Billy goats, Iranian red sheep, buffalos, tigers, lions, and wolves. When it’s time to relax, the whole family can retreat to their own private home on the property. Contactless service, temperature checks and mandatory staff vaccinations help keep safety from start to finish.

Rates from $ 899 per night


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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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