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Gal Gadot on the myth of the “Hollywood diva”


Gal Gadot knows when a special occasion calls for self-deprecation. During his speech at the annual meeting SHE Women in Hollywood event, where she was one of the many actresses honored, she began her speech by singing the opening words of John Lennon’s “Imagine”, an ironic allusion to the highly criticized video she did with other celebrities at the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

But she changed the tone almost instantly when she brought up the stereotype of the so-called “Hollywood diva.” “We’ve all heard stories about the Hollywood diva, all of us, and I have to say I’ve been doing this for quite a long time and never met her,” Gadot said. “I have the impression that she is this mythical creature, because of all the women with whom I have worked, from the actors to the film crew to the production office, have been the most hard-working professionals. and more grounded ones that focus on creating the best entertainment possible. On top of that, a lot of women – for many of them – the set is just the first shift of the day. Many of us are also mothers and caregivers.

Gal Gadot at 27th Annual Elle Women in Hollywood

Amy sussmanGetty Images

The Death on the Nile The actress later explained that she always felt like she – and many actresses like her – had to have it all, if not everything, and never take a moment to enjoy their success. “We are trying because things have to be done,” she said. “We are not trained; we are the drivers. I so admire how dedicated women are to their careers and family life. We are so amazing that we hardly have time for ourselves … What I’m trying to say is that we don’t feel like we can let go because we are not there. are not yet. Yet for me, I don’t take anything for granted.

This includes his treatment by Hollywood at large. The actress, who first gained attention for her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Comics films, has opened up about her interactions with Justice League Director Joss Whedon in her cover interview with SHE. Asked about the comments she made on Israeli TV, including how Whedon “threatened my career and said if I did something it would make my career miserable,” she explained, “You are dizzy because that you can’t believe it just said. for you. And if he tells me, then obviously he’s telling a lot of other people. I just did what I felt I had to do. And that was to tell people that it was wrong.

Associate editor
Lauren Puckett-Pope is Associate Editor at ELLE, where she covers news and culture.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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