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Top 5 Bollywood Celebrity Controversies


There are many such stories in Bollywood that are not safe when listening. Today we’re going to tell you just 5 great and famous Bollywood controversies that you won’t be sure to hear. It is such a controversy that has also been the subject of much discussion. Let’s see.

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Tanushree Dutta – The most talked about actress in 2018 was Tanushree Dutta. She had revealed something that had shocked people’s senses. She accused actor Nana Patekar of sexual exploitation. In an interview, she said that “Nana Patekar had behaved badly with her when shooting a song on the set of the movie Horn Ok Please and when she complained to the director and producer choreographer, they then put intimate scenes from Nana Patekar and Tanushree Dutta in the song, and then she goes to the #MeToo campaign.

Kiss Mahesh Bhatt’s daughter – The life of director-producer Mahesh Bhatt has always been controversial. In these controversies, there was a dispute over how to kiss his own daughter Pooja Bhatt. For Stardust magazine, he gave a liplock scene with Pooja. This photo shoot was printed on the cover of the magazine and this photo was very controversial. Mahesh Bhatt’s comment was also one of the main reasons for the controversy in this photo, during which he said that if Pooja had not been his daughter, he would have married her.

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Salman Khan and Aishwarya Rai – The love story of these two has been the biggest controversy in Bollywood. Both are the most popular love stories and both have made many revelations about each other. It is said that when these two separated, Aishwarya had to face many problems. She said she was very upset during the breakup, Salman also put on a lot of shows when he left his house and he used to beat and force her.

Actress Cat Fight – The beautiful Bollywood actresses Isha Deol and Amrita Rao were once considered good friends, but there was a time when Amrita said something bad about Isha on the set of a film. This dispute also caught fire. As soon as Isha learned this, she turned red with anger and slapped Amrita in front of everyone. After all this, the two had been in discussion for a long time, and then their friendship was broken.

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Sherlyn Chopra – She explained the meaning of dinner in Bollywood and everyone was surprised when it was revealed. It was the biggest controversy in Bollywood and it also sparked many reactions. Sherlyn had given an invitation to a Bollywood relationship, a Bollywood dinner for which she had received many offers but she refused.

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