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As Netflix trans workers protest, Dave Chappelles fans pack his London show


Dave chappelleplans an American tour of 10 cities of its controversialNetflixspecial The Closer in the unlikely event the streamer pulls the show off, according to fans who attended a sold-out concert in London on Wednesday night.

According to several attendees, Chappelle said he would travel to 10 cities across the United States to screen the show. The representative for Chappelles did not immediately respond to Varietys’ request for comment.

The controversy surrounding The Closer has snowballed since its October 5 release, with Netflix employees and artists accusing Chappelle of transphobia and homophobia over the comments and jokes made during the special.

However, at the same time a group ofNetflix employees staged a protestin Los Angeles on Wednesday following streamers’ decision to stand alongside Chappelles Special Across the Pond, thousands of fans and supporters flocked to London’s Eventim Apollo theater to see the man himself.

On the sixth and penultimate night of his weeklong UK tour, the 3,500-seat venue was full, with most attendees paying $ 100 to $ 300 per ticket.

As audiences walked out after the show, most refused to speak to Variety, either out of loyalty to the beleaguered comedian or distrust of the media, especially since entry to the show required that all cell phones, cameras and recording devices are enclosed in magnetic sleeves, preventing any online sharing of content.

Despite the pouring rain, however, many were ready to stop for selfies in front of the marquee, which was lit up with Chappelles’ name. Some, who initially seemed willing to speak to Variety, developed a sudden case of amnesia when asked if Chappelle discussed the Netflix protest during the 60 minutes. I don’t remember, I’m pissed off like a fart, one said.

The few people who spoke to Variety said Chappelle mentioned the Netflix controversy while filming, indicating that the protest in LA was not favorable. He just wants us all to get along, one participant said. Another said Chappelle seemed baffled by the accusations.

Unsurprisingly, attendees almost unanimously supported Chappelle, defending his right to express himself, especially as a comedian and black man.

I think that everyone is entitled to their opinion on certain subjects. I feel like as a comedian it’s your job to make people laugh and I don’t think he’s doing it from a malicious place, said Michael, a 29-year-old man who is described as a mestizo. He’s probably experienced a lot of racism and a lot of trials and tribulations himself.

[The Closer] is up to date, he says what he thinks, to me he’s one of the best comedians ever, said 32-year-old Mel. I agree with him. I mean, give your opinion. When it comes to comedy, his freedom of speech. It’s a comedy, but you can express your opinion. He obviously has one of the biggest rigs out there, so he’s entitled to it. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to listen to it.

However, not everyone in the crowd was thrilled with Chappelles’ comments. Anthony, a 26-year-old healthcare worker, paid $ 150 for his tickets three months ago; he was not impressed with The Closer. I actually thought for Dave Chappelle it was pretty bad, Anthony said. I think it was controversial, but it wasn’t that good. It’s very funny, but he has to move on from these jokes, it’s not that funny anymore.

He knows it’s going to be controversial, Anthony added. He knows he’s going to have a reaction. And his publicity for him. All press is good press. But I don’t really think he should go. He’s too smart for that. He can do more than that.

Members of the LGBT community were also present at the show on Wednesday evening. Well, were gay, were lesbians, said a black woman, gesturing to her partner (both women declined to be named). We were a couple and we think it’s good. We don’t think he’s rude, hurts someone, or is disrespectful. I don’t think he’s homophobic or anything like that.

I think he was just asking for a dialogue, to be open, and that’s what I got out of it, said another participant, who said his name was Nemi. And that’s why I was a little confused about the outrage because he didn’t say, death to trans people, or trans people don’t exist. It was more, these are my experiences and I would like to talk more about it, so that’s what I thought.




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