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Reactions to the death of the director of photography by actor Alec Baldwin


A view of the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office near the Bonanza Creek Ranch where Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin shot cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and injured a director when he discharged a gun at the set of the movie “Rust” in Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States, October 22, 2021. REUTERS / Adria Malcolm

Oct. 22 (Reuters) – Hollywood was rocked on Friday by news that actor Alec Baldwin shot cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and injured director Joel Souza while firing a propeller pistol on the set of the movie “Rust” in New Mexico. Read more

Here are the reactions to the shooting:

Alec baldwin

“There are no words to express my shock and sadness over the tragic accident that claimed the life of Halyna Hutchins, a deeply admired wife, mother and colleague. I fully cooperate with the police investigation to explain how this tragedy happened, ”Baldwin posted on Instagram.

“I am in touch with her husband, offering my support to him and his family. My heart is broken for her husband, their son and everyone who knew and loved Halyna,” Baldwin wrote.

Stephen baldwin

“Asking for your prayers tonight my friends there is not much to say except please pray for all involved in the aftermath of this tragic accident thank you” younger brother, who also acts, produces and directs films, on Instagram.

Cate devaney

“We analyzed the script late at night and used whatever possibilities we could find,” said the director who worked with Hutchins on “The Mad Hatter” and lived with her in a rented house during filming. “We watched movies, cooked, drank lots of wine, and took turns looking after our pet rat, Atlas.”

“I’m sorry, heartbroken,” she said in tribute to Hutchins on Instagram. “You were a rising star and it should never have happened. I find a little peace knowing that you have lived your life to the end and absorbed the journey but it is still so insane. I love you, Halyna . “

Kay Oyegun

“My first gig as a director was with Halyna Hutchins,” tweeted Oyegun, who worked with Hutchins in “A Luv Tale,” a TV miniseries. “She was a calming, creatively charged presence… She loved her child and her job so much. It’s heartbreaking.”

Joe manganiello

“I’m in shock,” tweeted the actor who worked on “Archenemy” with Hutchins. “Can’t believe it can happen these days, shots from a propeller pistol could kill a crew member? What a horrible tragedy.”

@Brandon Bruce Lee

“Our hearts go out to the family of Halyna Hutchins and Joel Souza and everyone involved in the incident on ‘Rust’,” tweeted the sister of Brandon Lee, who was killed in a similar tragedy on the set of “The Crow” in 1993 by another actor using a blank loaded firearm, but with part of a projectile lodged in the barrel of a previous use. Shannon Lee, who manages her brother’s Twitter account, added, “No one should ever be killed by a gun on a movie set. Full stop.”

James gunn

“The rules were changed after Brandon died,” tweeted the director, whose credits include the “Guardians of the Galaxy” franchise. “Unfortunately, more rules won’t help if the rules aren’t followed, which is usually how accidents happen on the set.

“Producers, directors, actors and entire crews must be adamant to ensure that all safety protocols are followed at all times… My heart goes out to all affected by today’s tragedy on Rust, in especially Halyna Hutchins and her family. “

Elizabeth tulloch

“The film and television crews work so hard and their safety must be assured,” the “Superman and Lois” star said on Twitter. “My heart breaks for Halyna Hutchins, her family, the Rust team and everyone affected by this horrific (and possibly preventable) tragedy.”


“We will continue to work with production, other unions and authorities to investigate this incident and understand how to prevent such a thing from happening again,” said SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher and National Executive Director Duncan Crabtree. -Ireland in a statement. The union represents artists and film and television broadcasters.

Reporting by Peter Szekely and Barbara Goldberg in New York; Editing by Gareth Jones and Daniel Wallis

Our standards: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.




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