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UPJ week 9 results: El Skunko

UPJ week 9 results: El Skunko
UPJ week 9 results: El Skunko


(DISCLAIMER: This game is for entertainment purposes only. No real money is wagered.)

In The price is right Fan lingo, El Skunko refers to a show in which all six games are lost and no one wins a showcase due to the two contestants being outbid.

We almost had our own El Skunko this week, due to a widespread defeat. Until 10:30 p.m. EST on Saturday night, everyone who placed a false bet this week was in the red. Many of them are extremely. But the late-night wins pushed two players into the positive:

brian19 130.99 15 points
dsidwell31 80.00 10 points

It was a brutal week. Only jrjs, HerdCountry941, GaryStephen, Danj725 and Julmisteforheisman lost 100 units or less this week. Seven players lost each bet (and an eighth won only one side of a split attempt). But it will be a huge boon for these two players in the points classification, who are now:

bullsonparade96 60
speruche 42
e-dogg42 34
dsidwell31 32
Elliot Moore 32
brian19 27
Ulhothot 27
danj725 19
LrdNorman 18
mcgies852 16
McIntyre2K7 13
HerdCountry941 13
anthonyvito 12
under cover ten
jrjs 8
Gibbsak 8
mmmmmuzzles 7
Gary Stephen 6
Gym399 4
Andrewpina 4
camweed12 2
Julmisteforheisman 2
jjlovecub 1

This ranking also includes a correction from week 8: ElliotMoore is 1 point more than last week and HerdCountry941 is 1 less. This is because I did not manually enter any of the ElliotMoores bets into the tracking system. This bet won, giving him a higher cash total for Week 8, which saw him earn a spot in the Week 8 Points Leaderboard, at the expense of HerdCountry941.

It also impacted the season’s silver totals, which are now:

User Total Futures contracts pending Grand total excluding futures
bullsonparade96 4508.80 250 4758.80
Elliot Moore 1594.05 150 1744.05
speruche 1560.89 0 1560.89
Danj725 1418.14 0 1418.14
E-dogg42 1356.46 185 1541.46
mcgies852 1190.03 150 1340.03
Ulhothot 1188.22 250 1438.22
brian19 1138.38 0 1138.38
mmmmmuzzles 1114.55 150 1264.55
Gibbsak 1017.73 0 1017.73
dsidwell31 1004.17 0 1004.17
Lrdnorman 960.29 0 960.29
HerdCountry941 940.03 0 940.03
Gym399 930.64 0 930.64
Gary Stephen 900.69 0 900.69
Andrewpina 794.54 250 1044.54
jjlovecub 749.00 0 749.00
jrjs 718.74 0 718.74
anthonyvito 565.12 100 665.12
Julmisteforheisman 551.05 0 551.05
camweed12 122.27 0 122.27
McIntyre2K7 50.00 110 160.00
under cover 0.00 250 250.00
Defin 0.00 220 220.00

You can bet up to 25% of your stack in a week, which means you can lose 25% of your stack in a week. The mighty bullsonparade96 did just that, losing a whopping 1,502.94 units. Speruche and ULhothot also took losses above the default maximum of 250 units. As a result, the race is much closer than it was a week ago, although BOP still has a huge lead over its 4,011 Louisiana-Monroe victory a few weeks ago.

camweed12 and McIntyre2K7 are now under 250 in total and can stake their remaining bankroll on a bet if they wish.

Here’s the short list of this week’s big wins:

Danj725 Georgia -14.0 points over Florida; Wake Forest -16.5 points on Duke (WIN, WIN) Georgia 34-7; Forest wake 45-7 50.00 TO WIN 130.00
dsidwell31 Over 61.5 points in Southern Methodist-Houston game; Houston -1.0 points on Southern Methodist (WIN, WIN) Houston 44-37; Houston 44-37 50.00 TO WIN 130.00
brian19 California +1.5 points over the State of Oregon; Notre Dame -3.5 points on North Carolina (WIN, WIN) California 39-25; Our Lady 44-34 43.99 TO WIN 114.37
Elliot Moore Central Florida -10.5 points on Temple; Clemson -10.0 points on Florida State (WIN, PUSH) Central Florida 49-7; Clemson 30-20 100.00 TO WIN 100.00
brian19 State of Utah -6.5 points over Hawaii; Over 62.5 points in Southern Methodist-Houston game (WIN, WIN) State of Utah 51-31; Houston 44-37 35.84 TO WIN 93.18
Danj725 Central Florida -10.5 points on Temple; Over 51.5 points in the Central Florida-Temple game (WIN, WIN) Central Florida 49-7; Central Florida 49-7 25.00 TO WIN 65.00
Gary Stephen Auburn +1.0 points on Mississippi Auburn 31-20 55.00 TO WIN 50.00

In addition to removing the Bank Error In Your Favor card this week, ElliotMoore was also the biggest beneficiary in late Clemson-Florida state:

This nonsense turned a loss of 100 parlays into a partial victory. HerdCountry941 also had a small gain from this game, as did the over 54 move.

And hey, people are making bets LOL! Let’s look at them all:

briank19Kansas +2500.0 silver line to beat Oklahoma StateOklahoma State 55-31.01LOSS-1.01 briank19Massachusetts +3500.0 silver line to beat LibertyLiberty 62-171.01LOSS-1.01 ElliotMooreMichigan State +175.0 silver line to beat MichiganMichigan State 37-331.01Win2500 .0Kasas + GaryS line to beat Oklahoma StateOklahoma State 55-31.01LOSS-1.01 GaryStephenNevada-Las Vegas +890.0 silver line to beat NevadaNevada 51-201.01LOSS-1.01

I interpret these as LOL, I expect this bet to win. As in, two players gave Kansas a better than 25-1 chance of beating Oklahoma State. And if Liberty can lose to Louisiana-Monroe, why not UMass? If there is any other intention here let me know in the comments.

MACtion Tuesday night and the CFB playoff standings begin this week. I can’t wait to see how they explain Oklahoma’s ranking ahead of Cincinnati due to superior play control.

Auburn-Texas A&M is the only likely top 25 clash in Week 10. In the AAC, Houston could be ranked when it visits USF next week. SMU, who could lose his ranking from the same game, is in Memphis. Cincinnati will definitely be classified when they return home to play against Tulsa. Idem Notre Dame, which welcomes Marine. The other two AAC games are Temple-East Carolina and Tulane-Central Florida.




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