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Lily Rabe shares her only child with actor Hamish Linklater and his family


American Horror Story star Lily Rabe has been dating compatriot Hamish Linklater for more than six years. And although they share a child and still seem to be in love, marriage doesn’t seem to be their priority.

Lily Rabe and Hamish Linklater may seem like a strange pair to some people, but the two actors share more than an undeniable chemistry: they are both stars of the theater transformed into televised sensations, and they like to give life to Shakespearean plays.

    Lily Rabe and Hamish Linklater attend the

Lily Rabe and Hamish Linklater Attend the Season 2 Premiere of “Legion” at the DGA Theater on April 2, 2018 in Los Angeles, California | Photo: GettyImages


Rabe, 37, is the daughter of playwright David Rabe and actress Jill Clayburgh, who received an Oscar nomination for best actress for her work in the 1978 film An Unmarried Woman.

The couple welcomed a girl in March 2017 but refrained from disclosing her name.

Linklater is the son of James Lincoln Cormeny and Kristin Linklater, an acting teacher who was the founder of the drama ensemble Shakespeare & Company.

While Linklater started playing Shakespeare at the age of 8, Rabe discovered that she was good at acting almost by chance.

She had studied dance for ten years and then taught ballet for children at a summer program when an instructor asked her to perform a monologue for a room.

    Hamish Linklater at the stage door of the John Golden Theater after a performance of the Theresa Rebecks seminar, 2011 | Photo: Wikimedia Commons Images

Hamish Linklater at the stage door of the John Golden Theater after a performance of the Theresa Rebecks seminar, 2011 | Photo: Wikimedia Commons Images

It was that moment, performing this monologue, that made me think, Maybe that’s what I want to do, Rabe said.

Rabe then studied theater at Northwestern University, from which she graduated in 2004, and immediately after that she started what became a successful career in the theater world, which ultimately led her to find love. as well.


Although they met in 2006, when Linklater shared the stage with Rabes, it was not until 2010 that Rabe and Linklater had the chance to work together and spend time together.

They had been sunk in opposite roles like Portia and Bassanio in Shakespeare in the production of the Merchant’s Park in Venice. While Linklater was more than familiar with Shakespeare, it was a first for Rabe.

I was definitely learning on my feet, she Told the New York Times in 2015. Thinking I was going to get fired every second.

But despite her insecurities, most critics loved her performance and those who worked with her and Linklater said there was something about their scenes together that made a difference.

I don’t think they ever distrusted each other, said Jesse L. Martin, who played Gratiano in the play, and continued:

They were always wide open with each other. There’s something to be said for chemistry.

At the time, Rabe and Linklater had not yet dated. They ended up a year later on Broadway, on Theresa Rebeck’s contemporary comedy, Seminar.

That same year, Rabe landed her first regular character in a show as Nora Montgomery on the FX horror series American Horror Story. Meanwhile, Linklater was finishing a five-season series on “The New Adventures of Old Christine”.

It was in 2014, after a series of series and plays, that Rabe and Linklater met again on stage, this time as enemies to lovers Beatrice and Benedick in the production of Shakespeare in the Park by Much Ado About Nothing.

While it’s not clear when they first started dating because they prefer not to discuss their personal lives, it was around this time that Rabe started sharing photos with Linklater on social media.


Before meeting Rabe, Linklater married playwright Jessica Goldberg in 2002, and they had a daughter, Lucinda Rose, who must be around 12 years old now. This marriage ended in divorce.

While Rabe and Linklater don’t like to discuss their relationship, the people who have worked with them believe they are the perfect match, at least guided by their distinctive acting styles.

Hamish is essentially a comedic actor who has great tragic depth, said artistic director Oskar Eustis. Just like Lily is basically a tragedian who has big comic chops, and added:

There is a load going between the two poles of their game, which is exciting to watch.

This charge is what has led the couple to seek a deeper experience each time they work together.

Lily Rabe and Hamish Linklater Attend the Los Angeles Premiere of Season 3 of FX's

Lily Rabe and Hamish Linklater Attend the Los Angeles Premiere of Season 3 of FX’s “Legion” at ArcLight Hollywood on June 13, 2019 | Photo: GettyImages

Rabe Explain Unlike other couples who work together and refrain from going home, they have no problem taking a look at a script and finding innovative ways to interact with each other.

Actress Ismenia Mendes, who worked with the couple in Much Ado About Nothing, recalled how often they went to a corner during rehearsals and gave each other notes.

They trust each other so much that they take huge risks as actors together, she Explain.


After two years together, Rabe and Linklater surprised fans when she arrived at the 2016 Kennedy Center Honors in Washington, D.C showing off her baby bump in a pink ruffled dress.

The couple welcomed a girl in March 2017 but refrained from sharing his name in a Publish that Rabe did on Instagram announced the good news.

The little girl, who is now three, has made sporadic appearances on her mother’s Instagram feed, but Rabe has kept little ones out of the spotlight to protect her little family’s privacy.

Rabe was recently cast facing Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant and Donald Sutherland in the next HBO drama The Undoing. The series is scheduled to premiere this fall.

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