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Genshin Impact Who is Takanori Nishikawa Voice actor of Arataki Itto

Genshin Impact Who is Takanori Nishikawa Voice actor of Arataki Itto
Genshin Impact Who is Takanori Nishikawa Voice actor of Arataki Itto


miHoYo held on November 12 the Genshin Impact 2.3 stream, revealing in particular that Takanori Nishikawa is the Japanese voice actor (seiyuu) of the new playable character Arataki Itto.

You’ve certainly heard Takanori Nishikawa’s voice before if you’re an anime fan, even if you’ve never heard the name before. Maybe TM Revolution, her stage name, sounds more like a bell. Takanori Nishikawa is a legendary musical artist and one of Japan’s most popular singers.

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Who is Takanori Nishikawa voicing Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact?

Most anime fans outside of Japan have heard of Takanori Nishikawa with the release of Gundam seed in 2002, where he dealt with several theme songs. Including the first OP theme song Invoke, and insert the theme song Meteor, performed during Kiras’ iconic comeback scene while piloting the Freedom Gundam for the first time.

Nishikawa is actually a huge Gundam fan and a huge otaku in general, as evidenced by his participation in the Final fantasy NHK poll. Nishikawa also voiced secondary characters in Gundam seed but he is first a singer and then a seiyuu.

Arataki Itto from Genshin Impact will be one of the very few anime and game characters voiced by Takanori Nishikawa. Another recent role he has played is Lng W Yo in Fantasy Lightning. The series is written by Gen Urobuchi (Ghost of Hell, Saya no Uta, Madoka Magica) so you should definitely try it.

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Takanori Nishikawa was born on September 19, 1970 (51 years old) in Yasu, Shiga, Japan. Nishikawa officially started his career in 1996 and has been incredibly popular ever since. In particular, his single White breath in October 1997, topped the charts and sold over a million copies.

Later, Takanori Nishikawa also took care of the theme songs for the Sengoku Basara capcom series, D-Gray Man and Soul eater. You’ve certainly heard her voice before if you’ve been watching anime for a few years.

TM Revolution teased Itto on Twitter

Interestingly, right after Arataki Itto’s voice was revealed, Nishikawa tweeted Did you notice I was teasing him ?. During his Best Hits 2021 concert on November 11, Nishikawa wore belts across his chest, much like Itto.

Nishikawa also jokingly mentioned that Ittos Vision is not Anemo, but I’m still very happy to voice that. It’s a joke about how TM Revolution is often seen dancing against the winds and storms in its music videos. Especially in the iconic song video Hot limit, which I detailed later.

Takanori Nishikawa is also an experienced producer

Chiyomaru Shikura, the creator of popular series Steins; Gate, and Takanori Nishikawa aka TM Revolution have been working together for years on B-Project. It’s a male idol franchise by Mages debuted in 2015 and produced by Nishikawa. B. Project already has a rhythm game, several anime and stage game adaptations, and tons of CD releases. A B-Project The Nintendo Switch game is also in development.

Right now, I would personally say the most popular seiyuu in Genshin Impact is Kenjiro Tsuda, nicknamed Tsudaken by fans, who voices Dainsleif. However, with the addition of Takanori Nishikawa to the cast, the balance has shifted and he is definitely the biggest name in the game now. And shows that miHoYo really intends to do Genshin Impact in the ultimate otaku gacha JRPG anime.

I bet miHoYo will definitely end up adding a Hot limit Skin / costume inspired for Arataki Itto. Hot limit is one of Nishikawa’s most popular songs, not least because of the flamboyant bondage costume he wore during his music video. While Hot limit released in 1998, the costume became a meme in the early 2010s, appearing in several anime or used as a costume for characters.

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