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Growth of digital storage in media and entertainment is increasing with increasing cloud and remote services

Growth of digital storage in media and entertainment is increasing with increasing cloud and remote services
Growth of digital storage in media and entertainment is increasing with increasing cloud and remote services


Coughlin Associates Released Seventeenth Report Focused on Digital Storage in All Aspects of Professional Media and Entertainment. The report includes the results of a 2021 survey of M&E professionals on their digital storage needs.

Due to the changing economics of storage devices, higher performance solid-state storage is playing an increasing role as primary storage. Cloud and hybrid storage, including cloud, have taken on new importance for many workflows during the Covid-19 pandemic. Once the pandemic is over, the use of cloud storage will continue to grow in the media and entertainment storage market. Cloud storage revenue growth for M&E applications from the 2022 report is shown above.

Some additional highlights from the report:

The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-2021 had a significant impact on content creation in 2020 and 2021, with the exception of broadcast acquisition

Spending on digital cinema in 2021 and over the next few years will be impacted by the pandemic

Video content creation, distribution and conversion create huge demand engine for device and storage manufacturers

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As image resolution increases and stereoscopic VR video becomes more common, storage needs explode.

The development of 4K television and other high-resolution venues in the home and on mobile devices will drive demand for digital content (including through high HEVC (H.265) and VVC (H.266) compression and standards. tighter compression to enable workflows of 8K and higher resolution and frame rate.

Activity to create capture and display devices for 8K X 4K content is underway with implementation expected in mainstream multimedia systems during this decade.

Active archiving will result in increased use of hard disk storage for archiving applications, supplementing tape for long-term archives

Flash memory dominates cameras and finds wider use in post-production and content distribution systems

Growth in storage capacity will drive total media and entertainment storage revenue growth of approximately 2.1X between 2020 and 2026 (from $ 9.1 billion to $ 19.2 billion)

Between 2020 and 2026, we forecast an increase of approximately 3.2 times the required digital storage capacity used in the entertainment industry and an increase of approximately 4.4 times the storage capacity shipped per year (from approximately 69 EB to 304 EB

In 2020, content distribution is estimated at 44% of total storage revenue, followed by archiving and preservation at 32%, post-production at 5% (due to the impact of COVID) and content acquisition at 19%.

In 2026, the projected revenue distribution is 37% content distribution, 23% post-production, 23% content acquisition, and 17% archiving and preservation.

By 2026, we forecast that approximately 59% of archived content will be in object and proximity storage, up from 50% in 2020

In 2020, we estimate that about 72% of the total capacity of storage media shipped for all segments of digital entertainment content was in hard drives with digital tape at about 21%, about 3% optical and flash drives. at about 4%.

By 2026, the shipping share of tape capacity has been reduced to about 12%, the shipping capacity of hard drives is about 76%, the capacity of optical drives is about 0.3 % and the percentage of flash capacity is about 11%.

Media revenues are expected to grow approximately 1.8 times from 2020 to 2026 (1 eB to $ 2.3 billion).

Although no longer the primary driver of digital storage growth, the digital conversion of film, video tapes and other analog formats and their long-term digital preservation is still a major driver for archived content.

Over 141 exabytes of new digital storage will be used for digital archiving and content conversion and preservation by 2026

Storage in remote clouds plays an important role in establishing collaborative workflows, content distribution and archiving

Overall cloud storage capacity for media and entertainment is expected to increase by more than 13.8 times between 2020 and 2026 (10.1 EB to 140 EB)

Overall object storage capacity for media and entertainment is expected to increase approximately 5.6 times between 2020 and 2026 (17.1 EB to 96.5 EB)

Cloud storage revenue will be around $ 3.3 billion by 2026

We estimate that professional media and entertainment storage capacity is approximately 4.9% of the total storage capacity shipped in 2020.

In 2020, professional media and entertainment consumed approximately 15% of all tape capacity shipments, 6% of all hard drive shipments, and 2% of all flash memory shipments. We estimate that media and entertainment spending accounted for around 10% of total storage revenue in 2020.

The media and entertainment industry is a major driver of the growth and development of digital storage, including all types of storage media and storage technologies. In particular, remote M&E workflows are driving the growth of cloud-based storage.




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