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DIY masks from Kareena, Priyanka, Ananya and Madhuri that will help your skin achieve glow


DIY masks from Kareena, Priyanka, Ananya and Madhuri that will help your skin achieve glow

DIY Face Masks That Will Help Your Skin Glow | Photo credit: Instagram

Your skin can become dehydrated and appear dry and lifeless during winters. The best way to deal with the problems caused by the changes in weather and temperature is to use face masks that help your skin to become soft and radiant again.

Indian pantries are filled with fruits and nutritious ingredients that can be added to your skin care routine. While our mothers and grandmothers are always ready to share their ‘nuskas‘, several Bollywood celebrities also shared their DIY desi face pack recipes.

If you are looking for a face mask to get glowing skin, here are some recipes and tips from Bollywood beauties like Kareena Kapoor Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Madhuri Dixit and more.

Kareena’s turmeric mask

Kareena Kapoor uses the age-old secret of desi to achieve glowing, blemish-free skin. But, Bebo also added a twist to the medium turmeric face masks. The actress shared the ingredients on social media last year amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Suggested by her friend Nisha Sareen, Kareena used sandalwood powder, turmeric, and vitamin E.

Sharing a photo, she wrote: “Thank you Kareena Kapoor Khan for using and loving the pack. For anyone wondering about the ingredients … this is a simple recipe … 2 tablespoons of powder of sandalwood 2 drops of vitamin E A pinch of turmeric Tie the ingredients together with milk. Leave on for 20 minutes. Your skin will be super clean, soft and damn … you will shine. PS – Watch this space for more masks “

Priyanka’s ubtan

The Desi Girl who is now a global star loves to stay connected to her homeland. The actress previously shared that she uses a DIY desi face mask for radiant skin. She uses a five-ingredient face mask that contains yogurt, rose water, lime juice, turmeric, and whole wheat flour.

Ananya Panday and her mother’s recipe

Seems like turmeric is every celebrity’s favorite ingredient. Bollywood debutante Ananya Panday also uses a turmeric and yogurt based mask. The DIY three ingredient face mask was shared by the Student of year 2 featured on social media. She revealed that the mask was given to her by her stepmother, Bhavna Panday. It includes readily available ingredients like turmeric, yogurt, and honey.

She mixes a tablespoon of yogurt with a pinch of turmeric and a teaspoon of honey to get supple and soft skin.

Madhuri’s secret to skin care

Bollywood Queen Dhak Dhak Madhuri Dixit Nene has flawless skin even at the age of 54. The secret to her glow was shared by the actress on her YouTube channel. Madhuri uses milk, honey, aloe vera gel, and a few drops of essential oils in her face mask.

The actress had also shared another recipe which included oats, honey and rose water.

Which mask are you going to try? Let us know by tweeting @TimesNow.




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