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Cloud Voice actor Steve Burton discharged from general hospital


A pretty boy with spiky blond hair wields a sword twice the size.

Screenshot: Square Enix

Steve Burton, who previously voiced brooding Final fantasy the hero Cloud Strife, was recently fired from his long-standing role on General hospital after refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate of the soap operas, the actor announced via Instagram (h / t Variety).

I know there has been a lot of rumors and speculation about me and General hospital, and I wanted you to hear it personally, Burton told his 336,000 subscribers. Unfortunately, General hospital let me go because of the vaccination warrant. I asked for my medical and religious exemptions, and both were denied, which hurts. But it’s also a question of personal freedom for me.

Kotaku contacted Burtons ‘publicist for more information on the exemptions he mentioned, but the actors’ display of personal freedom as an excuse not to get the shot makes it easy to assume that this is not about sincerity.

Burton joined the cast of General hospital in 1991, where he won multiple Daytime Emmy and Soap Opera Digest awards for his portrayal of Jason Morgan, with amnesia fueled by rage. He left the show in 2012 after choosing not to renew his contract with ABC, spending four years on the CBS soap opera The young and the restless, before going back to General hospital in 2017.

Meanwhile, Burton also made a name for himself as an exclusive English voice actor for Final Fantasy VII the protagonist Cloud Strife. He first assumed the role in the years 2002 Kingdom Hearts, ultimately voicing the Sword-wielding SOLDIER Buster for several sequels and spin-offs in both the Final fantasy and Kingdom Hearts franchises, including Final Fantasy VII follow-up film Advent children.

Burtons last appeared as a Cloud in 2018 Dissidia Final Fantasy NT fighting game, because Square Enix would pick newcomer Cody Christian to play Cloud in the 2020s Final Fantasy VII remake. Looks like the Japanese developer dodged a bullet with that one.




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