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Port Townsend gears up for the weekend celebration


PORT TOWNSEND – Ted Krysinski could only estimate the number of red, green, gold and blue LED lights about to light up the community Christmas tree next to the Haller Fountain.

Counting the cases Tuesday morning, he said there would be about 2,800 light bulbs hanging from the branches, as well as on the stairs above the plaza on Washington and Taylor Streets.

Krysinski, whose company is Fyrelite Grip & Lighting, worked with Chris Kauffman silt to adorn the tree of lights amid the intermittent rain and wind on Tuesday.

The Port Townsend Main Street program has organized activities around the 16-foot-tall tree, including official lighting at dusk this Saturday, when sunset is at 4:18 p.m.

This year, Tree Lighting is an in-person event, while those who prefer to watch at home can find a live webcast on the Port Townsend Main Street program’s Facebook page.

Also in downtown Port Townsend, the Tyler Street Plaza on Water and Tyler Streets has a 30ft by 40ft tent providing shelter for shoppers.

“Our dream was to have an outdoor room,” said Main Street general manager Mari Mullen.

The tent, designed for winds of up to 90 mph, will be moved to Pope Marine Park later this month in time for the first night festivities on December 31.

In the meantime, this is the site for Saturday public activities:

• From 2 pm to 4 pm, the Wild Rose Chorale will sing;

• Starting at 2:00 p.m., free take-home ornaments will be available;

• From 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., the public is invited to take photos with Santa Claus and the Kiwanis Choo Choo train next to the Flagship Landing building next to the plaza.

At the Haller Fountain at 1 p.m. on Saturday, a Hidden History walking tour will begin.

This free hour-long tour, which will be offered again on December 18, explores the interpretive hidden history panels that dot the city center, as well as other points of interest.

To register and learn more, visit


Jefferson County Senior Reporter Diane Urbani de la Paz can be reached at 360-417-3509 or [email protected]

Ted Krysinski of Fyrelite Grip & Lighting worked Tuesday with thousands of LED lights that will decorate the Haller Fountain in Port Townsend.  (Diane Urbani de la Paz / Peninsula Daily News)

Ted Krysinski of Fyrelite Grip & Lighting worked Tuesday with thousands of LED lights that will decorate the Haller Fountain Square in Port Townsend. (Diane Urbani de la Paz / Peninsula Daily News)

The Kiwanis Choo Choo will pass through Uptown and downtown Port Townsend, sounding its freight train-like horn this Saturday and December 11.  (Diane Urbani de la Paz / Peninsula Daily News)

The Kiwanis Choo Choo will pass through Uptown and downtown Port Townsend, sounding its freight train-like horn this Saturday and December 11. (Diane Urbani de la Paz / Peninsula Daily News)




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