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Suspect wanted after Beasts of the Southern Wild actor, 22, killed in New Orleans shooting


NEW ORLEANS (WVUE / Gray News) – A former child actor who played a leading role in the 2012 film Beasts of the Southern Wild was killed in a shootout in Treme over the weekend, according to the information from the New Orleans Police Department. .

Jonshel Alexander, 22, was shot dead in a vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene, the Associated Press reported. A man in the vehicle was injured. His name has not been released.

Police are looking for a suspect who they say was driving a red truck.

Alexander, 22, was 12 when she was chosen for the low-budget but visually stunning Benh Zeitlins film set in Montegut and the surrounding area of ​​Terrebonne parish, WVUE reported.

Beasts of the Southern Wild is the story of a father and daughter living in a mythical area of ​​Louisiana known as The Bathtub, and it is threatened by the disappearance of the coastline.

Another child actor from New Orleans, Quvenzhan Wallis, was 6 when she was cast for the lead role in the film, a protagonist named Hushpuppy, and was the youngest person to be nominated for an Oscar.

Alexander played the role of Joy Strong in the film, a character who shared important screen time with Wallis, serving as a close friend of the protagonists.

Zeitlin told The Associated Press that Alexander was an absolutely unique, unforgettable human being and a force of nature when he chose her for the supporting role.

The film, which features all South Louisiana actors with little to no acting experience, was nominated for four Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Beasts of the Southern Wild also won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance.

Former co-star Dwight Henry said everyone who knew and loved Alexander was devastated.

She turned on the screen and it hurts. I’m telling you that it hurts my heart. When I think of I cried all night, says Henry.

Henry knew Alexander long before their debut together at the Silver Screen. His family lived next to his bakery on avenue Saint-Claude.

I remember like it was yesterday, Jonshel walked into a donut shop like she owned the place, and she literally walked behind the counter, grabbed a handful of donut holes, put them in. a bag. I looked at her. She looked at me and she walked out the door, he said.

It made him even more special when the filmmakers decided to choose him as Wink in Beasts of the Southern Wild alongside Alexander.

Henry said she was such a smart, beautiful fireball commanding the scenery. Looking at set photos brings tears to her eyes.

Special moments … memories I’ll never forget, you know, because some things, you can forget memories, but you know, things like that when you have pictures of her. Dude … I always look at this and remember Jonshel, you know. I remember that thing, that scene here like it was yesterday … you know. She was so special, he said.

Alexander leaves behind a 1 year old daughter with her family who Henry says has just been crushed at the moment.

Copyright 2021 WVUE via Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.




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