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Songs of Holi 2020 Bollywood: A playlist for your party this festive season – Bollywood


Celebrations are never complete without music and what better way to celebrate the Festival of Colors – Holi, than to cherish quality time with our families and loved ones with lively Bollywood songs for the party? From Navrang in the 1950s to the recent Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, these songs have always found their way to Holi parties.

Here's a playlist of Bollywood songs for your Holi party this year:

Holi Mein Rangeele

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Mouni Roy proposed a special song for this Holi which also includes Bollywood actors Varun Sharma and Sunny Singh. Directed and choreographed by Remo D’Souza, the song was composed by Aditya Dev and Mika Singh sang the song.

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Badri Ki Dulhaniya (Badrinath Ki Dulhania)

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Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt are full of energy in this song from the 2017 film that followed their 2014 film Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania. Written by Shabbir Ahmed and composed by Tanishk Bagchi, the song features voices from Dev Negi, Neha Kakkar, Monali Thakur and Ikka.

Balam Pichkari (Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani)

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Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor titled this new song Holi which appeared in the 2013 film by Ayan Mukerji Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. Kalki Koechlin and Aditya Roy Kapur were also featured in the song sung by Vishal Dadlani and Shalmali Kholgade. Pritam Chakraborty composed the music for the number. In fact, Deepika said in a press release, "If I may say, Balam Pichkari is like Rang Barse (Silsila; 1981) of our generation. Nowadays, every Holi party begins with Rang Barse, and the second song must be Balam Pichkari. So it became a new age Holi hymn. It’s nice to have been part of such an iconic song. "

Do me a favor (Waqt: The race against time)

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With Priyanka Chopra and Akshay Kumar enjoying the festivities of Holi, the song was sung by Anu Malik and Sunidhi Chauhan. Sameer wrote the song while Anu Malik composed the 2005 film number Waqt: The Race Against Time.

Holi Khere Raghuveera (Baghban)

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With Hema Malini and Amitabh Bachchan, the song was composed by Aadesh Shrivastava for the 2003 film Baghban. Amitabh himself sang the song, with Alka Yagnik, Sukhwinder Singh and Udit Narayan. Sameer wrote the lyrics for the song.

Ang Se Ang Lagana (Darr)

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With Sunny Deol, Shah Rukh Khan and Juhi Chawla, this song was composed by Shiv Hari. Alka Yagnik, Vinod Rathod, Sudesh Bhosle and Devki Pandit lent their voices to the song. Darr's song was written by Anand Bakshi.

Rang Barse(Silsila)

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No Holi playlist can be complete without this iconic issue starring Amitabh Bachchan, Rekha, Jaya Bachchan and Sanjeev Kumar. Why is this the most beloved song of the festival champions? Perhaps, because of the playful words written by none other than the father of Amitabh and the legendary poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan. Yash Chopra directed the 1981 film.

Holi Ke Din Dil (Sholay)

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This song has Dharmendra romanticizing Hema Malini in the legendary 1975 film Sholay. RD Burman composed the song sung by Lata Mangeshkar and Kishore Kumar. Anand Bakshi wrote the lyrics for the song.

Aaj Na Chodenge (Kati Patang)

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Kishore Kumar and Lata Mangeshkar lent their voices for this illustrated song on Rajesh Khanna and Asha Parekh. The bouncy number was composed by RD Burman and the 1970 film was directed by Shakti Samanta.

Jogi Ji Dheere (Nadiya Ke Paar)

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In the photo of Sachin Pilgaonkar and Sadhna Singh, the song was composed by Ravindra Jain for the 1982 film.

Chal Ja Re Hat Natkhat

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One of the oldest songs by Holi in a Hindi film, it is also emblematic due to Sandhya's brilliant performance in this 1959 V Shantaram film. Asha Bhonsle and Mahendra Kapoor crossed the song by C Ramachandra. Bharat Vyas wrote the lyrics for the song.

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