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Hollywood is considering ways to make red carpet events suitable for social distancing – Entertainment News, Firstpost


Los Angeles: It might take a while before hearing this unmissable Hollywood red carpet, and who are you wearing this evening?

The red carpets, the cornerstone of movie premieres and awards, thrive on the buzz of glamorous actors, breathtaking dresses and screaming fans.

    Coronavirus epidemic: Hollywood is considering ways to make red carpet events fit for social distancing

Representational image. AP

But while Hollywood is struggling with the coronavirus pandemic, the red carpets of the near future will be very different – if they happen.

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Overcrowded with photographers, renowned stars, publicists and fans craving selfies, the red carpets are a crucial part of the Hollywood advertising machine. But what makes them so compelling to watch is what makes them so difficult to manage in the era of social distancing.

Everyone is desperately trying to get back to a normal version, where we have to be with people in person, side by side, said a Hollywood publicist who preferred not to be named.

I don’t see him come back completely until I get some sort of vaccine. Who knows when people are going to want to physically engage in personal interactions, not to mention the journey to get to these places ?, said the reporter.

A big test will come in July when the thriller by Christopher Nolan Principle for AT&T Incs Warner Bros. and Walt Disney Cos live-action Mulan are expected to be the first major film releases since new coronavirus cinemas have closed worldwide and studios have moved the rollout of dozens of films in late 2020 or 2021.

Warner Bros. and Disney have not announced their advertising plans for the two films, or the organizers of the Emmy Awards televisions, which are slated to take place in Los Angeles in September.

Los Angeles Event Organizers 15 | 40 Productions, which has designed more than 200 Hollywood premieres, is consulting several studios on plans integrating social distancing.

We took the red carpet and had to rethink how it would work after the quarantine and keep people away, said Craig Waldman, president of 15 | 40 Productions.

Television crews and photographers, who generally lie down to make room, would be separated in pens separated by plexiglass, while distance barriers would distance the media at least six feet (two meters) from the actors. Celebrities would interact with fans via giant LED screens.

Having a live ventilator component is going to be one thing for the future, once a vaccine is found, said Waldman.

This means a great reduction in media on the carpet and a lot of masks.

I don’t know if we’ll see Emmy-nominated actresses walking on the red carpet with masks, said Hollywood reporter writer Chris Gardner. I think that some people – perhaps photographers, also journalists – may have to ask questions with masks.

The biggest unknown is whether the A-listers will appear.

Mike Zimet, whose list of clients for the New York security company includes actors Alec Baldwin and Lin-Manuel Miranda, said strict guarantees will have to be put in place.

I know that a (celebrity) I’m protecting right now stays away from it all, said Zimet, who doesn’t expect the red carpets to come back to New York before fall or even winter.
Zimet said celebrities have to decide if your health, your family and yourself, is worth it.

Meanwhile, the publicists have shown creativity with virtual premieres and interviews in which actors appear on Zoom or Skype from their home.

It worked well for low budget movies, reducing travel costs and allowing actors to be more relaxed.

They are not in an uncomfortable chair with lights all around them. It’s more like chatting with some sort of new friend they just met on their computer, said a publicist who hosted several virtual events.

But that’s far from the excitement of a lively red carpet.

This virtual premiere is pretty, pretty strange, said British actress Kristin Scott Thomas on Zoom from a sofa at home, promoting her film Military wives.

It’s just as scary but just a lot more comfortable because you’re wearing your own dress, she giggled.

Publish Date: May 27, 2020 8:36 AM
| Update date: 27 May 2020 08:36


Update date: May 27, 2020 08:36:11 IST

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