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An indicator of who got the love of West Hollywood?


Pete Buttigieg speaking to supporters of the Abbey

The Los Angeles County Registrar has still not counted all of these Super Tuesday ballots, so it is not yet clear how the Democratic Party presidential nominees ranked among the West Hollywood voters.

However, an indicator of who got the most love (even if not the most votes) could be the amount of money that West Hollywood residents gave to candidates ( and the number of people who donated).

A WEHOville review of the latest Federal Election Commission filings shows that Mayor Pete was the winner, with $ 240,916 in donations from a total of 277 West Hollywood residents. As the first openly gay man to run for president, it may come as no surprise that Buttigieg got so much support in a city where 33% of residents identify as gay men (it's 39 is according to the 2019 city community survey). His supporters included Mayor John DAmico (donation of $ 1,000) and city council member Lindsey Horvath ($ 630).

Support for Buttigieg, who dropped out of the race last week, also supports West Hollywood's image as the center of gay life. However, the progressive good faith of West Hollywood took a little bit of success with less donations to Bernie Sanders, the self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist, and Elizabeth Warren, whose platforms were far to the left of the position of Pete Buttigiegs center.

Sanders ranks far behind Buttigieg for donations ($ 60,623 for 101 people). Warren ranks fifth, with $ 33,644 for 81 donors. Lauren Meister, a member of the municipal council, was one of the supporters of Warrens, with a donation of $ 216.

Joe Biden ranked third in terms of donation amount, with a total of $ 53,714. But he only got that money from 51 of the city's 37,000 residents. (One of them was city council member John Heilman, who made a total donation of $ 700). Cory Booker, who quit the race in January (and approved Biden today), finished fourth with $ 46,000 in donations from 37 people. However, many of these donors (such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Ron Burkle) do not actually live in WeHo. They are allowed to use the address of the office of their lawyers or agents under California law designed to help celebrities keep their address secret). When non-WeHo celebrities are removed from the list, Bookers' donations total $ 40,000.

Source: Federal Election Commission

Andrew Yang, who suspended his campaign last month, raised $ 13,449 from 16 West Hollywood residents. Marianne Williamson, who finished her campaign in January and is popular with gay men who saw her as a spiritual counselor at the height of the AIDS crisis, raised $ 11,107 from 15 people. Amy Klobuchar, who pulled out of the race last week, placed eighth with $ 6,866 in donations from 10 West Hollywood residents.

The other former candidates and the contributions they have received from West Hollywood donors are:

  • Michael Bennet, $ 1,000 from two donors
  • Julian Castro, $ 1,000 from two donors
  • Tom Steyer, $ 535 from two donors
  • Tulsi Gabbard, $ 125 from a donor
  • Michael Bloomberg, no donations at all.

Donald Trump, who will face Biden or Sanders on November 3, is still aware with a small number of West Hollywood residents. FEC records show a total of $ 141,745 in donations from 34 West Hollywood residents to Donald Trump for President Inc., Make America Great Again Committee and the Republican National Committee.

The largest donations in the most recent FEC database come from the Mani brothers (Daniel and Simon) and Simons' wife Rachel, who together made a total donation of $ 106,500 (35 $ 500 each) to the three organizations supporting Trump. This is a big jump from the $ 16,800 re-election campaign at Trumps 2020 that WEHOville reported in August.

The Mani brothers own five large office buildings in West Hollywood and have been regular donors to campaigns or organizations associated with several members of the West Hollywood City Council. For example, board member John Heilman in September of last year asked for a $ 5,000 donation to Equality California, the LGBT rights organization, the Mani Brothers. And board member John Duran asked for donations to the Gay Mens Chorus in Los Angeles, which the Duran board chaired for a long time until he resigned amid accusations of improper sexual conduct with his young members (allegation he denied).

Source: Federal Election Commission

WEHOville reported in August that campaign fundraising data for the March 2019 city council election also showed that Daniel, Simon and Tsipi Mani, Daniels' wife, did their best $ 500 to re-election campaigns for city council member Lindsey Horvath and mayor John DAmico. Each of the five Mani family members also donated $ 500 to the 2017 Durans Council Member re-election campaign. (Durans' law firm is located in one of the Mani buildings. )

Daniel and Simon Mani

Daniel and Simon Mani also donated $ 15,000 to an independent spending committee formed to support Heilmans' re-election to city council in 2015. Seven members of the Mani family also each donated $ 500 to Heilman and Horvath , for a total of $ 3,500. And Daniel and Simon Mani contributed $ 20,000 to another independent spending committee, Friends of West Hollywood, which identified itself as a committee to elect John DAmico, John Heilman, Lindsey Horvath and Joseph Guadarrama to the West Hollywood City Council and whose organizers included Duran.

The Mani brothers' support for Trump has been embarrassing for city council members who have often declared their opposition to Trump. Councilor Lindsey Horvath, when she was mayor, even said that Trump would not be welcome to enter West Hollywood and participated in a protest asking members of West Hollywoods Equinox Gym to give up their membership due to the financial support given to Trump by the founder. from the company that owns Equinox.

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