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Weinstein accusers detonate AG for backing bad deal


A group of Harvey Weinstein's accusers sent an open letter to New York's Attorney General Letitia James, blaming her for supporting a global civil settlement that would pay a paltry sum to her victims.

The settlement is insulting to all survivors in that it represents a small fraction of what should be paid by Weinstein, his former directors and officers and large multi-billion dollar insurance companies, says the letter.

The $ 25 million deal would settle the civil claims of more than 100 actresses and former employees who accused the rapist convicted of misconduct ranging from sexual harassment to rape.

According to the New York Times, Weinstein would not have to admit wrongdoing or pay a cent of the settlement or his own attorney fees. The sum would be paid by the insurance companies supporting the Weinstein company.

Class action attorneys at the head of Manhattan Federal Court negotiations will be paid millions, while victims will receive only a small fraction of the settlement, the letter said.

The seven accusers who signed the letter – Rowena Chiu, Zelda Perkins, Wedil David, Kaja Sokolow, Dominique Hewitt, Zoe Brock and Ali Canosa – want to pursue their own civil lawsuits. But they say that this regulation would affect their ability to continue.

The deal would give Weinstein Company insurers general releases from future claims so that even if an accuser got a judgment, the bankrupt movie studio wouldn't have to pay it, the letter said.

If the women reject the deal, the money allocated to their claim will be given to Harvey and his brother, Bob Weinstein, in their defense, the accusers wrote.

Harvey Weinstein leaves the court with Juda Engelmayer, on the left.
Harvey Weinstein leaves the courtroom with spokeswoman Juda Engelmayer, on the left.Matthew McDermott

The attorney general's office will effectively endeavor to recover funds on behalf of Harvey Weinstein (a convicted criminal) to fill a war chest to use for his ongoing campaign against his victims, according to the letter. There is nothing fair or right about it.

In a search of James' home, accusers say that if it signs this agreement, shell will be less protective of survivors than your elected predecessor referring to former disgraced former attorney general Eric Schneiderman, who resigned in 2018 in the midst of 39; allegations of domestic violence. Schneiderman had first brought a civil lawsuit against Weinstein.

You have spent your career defending the weak against the powerful and fighting on behalf of the innocent, the accusers wrote. We implore you to take personal action to ensure a fair settlement in which all victims receive the level of justice and dignity they deserve.

Weinstein was convicted on February 24 of one count for forcibly committing oral sex on a former Project Runway production assistant and third degree rape for an attack on a hairdresser .

Many survivors of Harvey Weinstein want to hold him responsible and should not be penalized for not wanting to accept a terrible civil agreement, said lawyer Douglas Wigdor who represents five of the seven victims who signed the letter.

The AG's office said in a statement: Attorney General James has been firm in his quest for justice for the victims. Since the emergence of allegations in 2017, our office has sought to hold Harvey Weinstein responsible for his conduct against women. We remain very committed to providing these courageous women with the justice they deserve and to fighting for the best possible settlement before a bankruptcy court.

Weinstein is expected to be sentenced on March 11 and faces up to 29 years in prison.

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