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HC to hear actor Dileep’s early bail plea in new case on January 18


Kerala Police told the High Court on Friday that actor Dileep and five others, accused of threatening officers investigating the sexual assault of an actress in 2017, would not be arrested until January 18, date on which his early release plea would be heard again.

Judge Gopinath P said the court was due to consider a filmmaker’s statement in the new case against the actor and five others and would hear the case on Tuesday.

“I would like to see his (director Balachandra Kumar) statement and intend to grant protection until then,” the court observed.

However, no order was issued in this regard as the prosecutor assured the court that the accused would not be arrested until Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Dileep’s attorney referred to Thursday’s search of the actor’s home and office, which the state government argued was based on a search warrant issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. .

Kumar, who recently made startling revelations against Dileep in the actress’ assault case through the media, also recorded his statement regarding the threatening case in front of the crime wing recently.

Apart from Dileep, his younger brother – P Sivakumar – and brother-in-law – TN Suraj – also petitioned the High Court for the same relief.

The Crime Branch had, on January 9, registered the case on a complaint filed by an investigator based on an alleged audio clip of Dileep, which was recently broadcast by a television station in which the actor was heard. conspiring to attack the official. .

The actor and five others were convicted under various provisions of the Indian Penal Code, including Sections 116 (incitement), 118 (concealment of intent to commit an offence), 120B (criminal association), 506 (criminal intimidation ) and 34 (criminal act committed by several people).

The joint plea submitted by the three claimed that the complaint filed against them by the officer – Deputy Superintendent (Crime Department) Baiju Paulose – was false.

They argued that the allegations in the FIR, recorded on the basis of the complaint, are totally false and baseless.

The victim – who has worked in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films – was abducted and allegedly sexually assaulted in his car for two hours by some of the defendants, who forced their way into the vehicle on the night of February 17 2017 and later escaped. in a lively area. The entire act was filmed by some of the defendants to blackmail the actress.

There are 10 defendants in the case and initially police arrested seven people. Dileep was subsequently arrested and released on bail later.




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