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“Suddenly I became Mrs. Aamir”


Following Aamir Khan's split from Reena Dutt, the actor has been linked to Preity Zinta
Here’s how Preity Zinta reacted when news of her secret marriage to Aamir Khan made headlines (Instagram photo credit; Wikipedia)

The affairs, breakups and rumors of controversy about Bollywood stars are nothing new and for many years people have been eagerly waiting to hear interesting gossip about their favorite stars. Similarly, when Aamir Khan split from Reena Dutt in 2002, many were shocked to learn that the actor had secretly married Preity Zinta; the news was everywhere.

The two teamed up in the 2001 hit film Dil Chahta Hai. Their chemistry as Shalini and Akash Malhotra was most appreciated in the film. The film was a coming-of-age romance film written and directed by Farhan Akhtar. It also featured Saif Ali Khan, Akshaye Khanna along with Sonali Kulkarni and Dimple Kapadia in prominent roles.

In 2002, secret news of Aamir Khan and Preity Zinta’s marriage spread like wildfire. Back when Preity appeared on Rendezvous With Simi Garewal, the actress opened up in much the same way. She said, Aamir is a very dear friend. We had a great working relationship at Dil Chahta Hai. When things weren’t going well in his personal life, I was the closest candidate because the last movie he did was with me. So suddenly I became Mrs. Aamir Khan. I had to go around saying: Not married!

Apart from Aamir Khan, Preity Zinta was also romantically involved with Sanjay Dutt, reacting to this, Kal Ho actress Naa Ho said, I was really shocked, actually, and very pissed off. I love Sanju. I love it. I’ve loved him since I was a kid and he’s like a daddy bear to me.

He doesn’t even call me Preity, he calls me Yaku… He always treated me like I was his little sister or he put his arm around me and asked me, are you okay? So for me to be related to him was disgusting.

Further during her chat with Simi Garewal, Preity Zinta claimed that she was never attracted to her co-stars and shared that she could never be a tow truck, I love all my co-stars , these are my friends. I respect the fact that half of them are married.

I’ve never been attracted to my co-stars because most of the time they’re like, ‘Does my hair look good? Is my shirt okay? And I’m like, see the big pimple on my nose? A relationship is more like two people in the same boat.

Currently, Preity Zinta is happily married to Gene Goodenough, the two were in a relationship for a long time before getting married on February 29, 2016.

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