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Bob Saget is remembered in America’s funniest videos – The Hollywood Reporter


America’s Funniest Home Videos pays homage to former host Bob Saget.

While airing the ABC show Sunday night, host Alfonso Ribeiro remembered Saget as a member of the show’s “family.”

“As you heard, the world lost a legend last week, and AFV lost a family member,” Ribeiro said. “Bob Saget is synonymous with AFV to this day, and this show wouldn’t have been the same without his unique sense of humor. It has been an honor for me to continue to carry Bob’s brightly lit torch.

Ribeiro then presented a montage of clips which he described as featuring “Bob being Bob”. During editing, clips of comedic moments from when Saget hosted the show were shown. Another clip included Saget sitting with then-host Tom Bergeron – Bergeron took over as series host after Saget left in 1997 – for the show’s 20th anniversary where they discussed the different voiceovers he would do. (Watch the tribute at the end of this story.)

News of Saget’s unexpected death at the age of 65 was announced on January 9. The actor and comedian was found unconscious in a room at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando in Grande Lakes last Sunday, authorities said. No information was released on the cause of death, but the sheriff’s department said detectives found no signs of foul play or drug use.

In a statement sent to The Hollywood Reporter, the Saget family said: “We are devastated to confirm that our beloved Bob passed away today. He was everything to us and we want you to know how much he loved his fans, performing live and bringing people from all walks of life together with laughter. Although we ask for privacy at this time, we invite you to join us in remembering the love and laughter Bob brought to the world.

On Saturday, his widow, Kelly Rizzo, posted a tribute on Instagram with a photo of her and Saget. “My sweet husband,” she wrote. “After careful consideration this week, I’m trying, really, not to feel like I’ve been robbed of my time. But instead of thinking: How lucky was I to be the one who was married to THE MOST INCREDIBLE MAN ON EARTH.

Following Saget’s passing, the actor was mourned by many in Hollywood, including the Full house cast who said in a statement: “Thirty-five years ago we came together as the television family, but we have become a real family. And now we mourn like a family.

Saget was laid to rest Friday afternoon in Los Angeles in a small, intimate funeral for his family and close friends.




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