Alec Baldwin sued by family of US Marine killed in suicide bombing
The family of a US Marine killed in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan has sued Alec Baldwin for allegedly labeling his sister as a participant in the Capitol Riot on January 6, 2021.
The 63-year-old actor was named in a lawsuit seeking $25 million and alleging defamation, invasion of privacy, negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress, according to court documents obtained by Fox News.
The lawsuit stems from a post Baldwin shared on Instagram earlier this month after he gave $5,000 to the widow of a deceased soldier to help with their newborn daughter.
Marine Lance Corporal. Rylee J. McCollum was killed Aug. 26 in Kabul in a suicide bombing while processing refugees amid the controversial U.S. withdrawal from the country.
When the actor heard about McCollum’s story, he contacted McCollumn’s sister, Roice, and gave her $5,000 to give to his brother’s widow, Jiennah Crayton. He later referred to the check as a “tribute to a fallen soldier.” However, on January 3, Roice shared a photo on Instagram that clearly gave Baldwin some doubts about his tribute.
The image showed her at the Washington Monument on Uprising Day in 2021. According to the lawsuit, Roice was indeed among the protesters who showed up for the march.
However, court documents reveal that while she was protesting the certification of Joe Biden’s vote that day, she did not participate in the riots or any illegal activity.
“During the riots, she was stuck outside the Capitol building next to several police officers for hours after the riots started due to the fact that there were so many people around her and the area had been locked. Later, a neighbor who was unhappy that Roice had attended the protest referred her to the authorities,” the lawsuit states.
Roice was questioned by the FBI and cleared of any wrongdoing. Although they were never charged with any crime, the documents showed direct messages between Roice and Baldwin in which he called her a “rioter”.
“When I sent the money for your late brother, out of respect for his service to this country, I had no idea you were a January 6 rioter,” Baldwin wrote.
Roice replied, “Protesting is perfectly legal in the country and I have already met with the FBI. Thank you, have a nice day!”
“I don’t think so. Your activities resulted in the unlawful destruction of government property, the death of a law enforcement officer, an attack on presidential election certification. I reposted your photo. Good luck,” Baldwin replied.
He then reposted the photo and called Roice an “insurgent” to his 2.4 million Instagram followers in a since-deleted post.
Roice, his sister Cheyenne, and Jiennah sued Baldwin for his direct message and decision to share his belief that Roice participated in the riots.
Roice and his family say they were inundated with hateful comments shortly after the post was posted. Court documents offer examples of some of these comments, the most troubling from someone who said, “Get raped and die, c— worthless. Your brother got what he deserved.”
Court documents allege that, rather than backtracking on his statements, Baldwin continued to refer to Roice as an “insurgent” and a “rioter” in later comments addressing critics.
“Baldwin’s conduct was negligent and reckless because he should have known that making the allegations he made against the plaintiffs to his millions of followers would cause the plaintiffs harm,” the court documents state, according to Fox News.
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