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Four Seasons stages the charming "Tuck Everlasting" – Cache Valley Daily


As a nefarious man in the yellow suit, Clifton Richards (center) directs the ensemble in a production number during the current production of the Four Seasons theater company "Tuck Everlasting".

Cache Critic’s Choice is an ongoing feature of Cache Valley Daily that highlights local theater events and live entertainment.

SMITHFIELD Ive always said that the productions of the Four Seasons Theater Company keep improving. But it seems unlikely that any of their future shows will exceed the fine quality of their continuous staging of the musical Tuck Everlasting.

Based on a 1975 children's book by Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting is a family fable with a bittersweet message about love and mortality. Although there is nothing particularly flashy about it, this show directed by Jon Rash exudes a sweet charm that warms the hearts of its audience.

I never understood why this musical lasted only one month on Broadway in 2016. The score of Chris Miller and Nathan Tysen goes from joyfully light to absolutely haunting. The graceful choreography is refreshing based on American folk dance. The musical, admittedly simple, poses existential questions while being delightfully entertaining. Given these attributes, Tuck Everlasting can be a truly memorable theatrical experience. With the help of a cast and an extremely talented team, Rash has taken full advantage of this musical potential.

Young Kayli Checketts plays Winnie, a precocious preteen who runs away from home in the arms of the immortal Tuck family. Despite her age, there's nothing immature or inexperienced about Ms. Checketts' performance. She has a beautiful singing voice, a good sense of comic timing and an engaging stage presence.

Checketts shares with Logan Kelley the role of Jesse Tuck, a 102-year-old man stuck in the body and the tenderness of a 17-year-old boy.

Local favorite Kyle Pyfer, last seen as Adam in the Four Seasons production of Freaky Friday, is back as Miles Tuck, immortal mourning for a failed attempt to lead a normal life.

Melissa Hamilton and Trenton Bateman appear as parents Mae and Angus Tuck, who have natural problems keeping the spark of love alive after more than a century of marriage.

These actors depicting members of the Tuck family manipulate subtle characterizations with sincere sincerity and deliver consistently excellent voices.

The veteran of the Four Seasons, Clifton Richards, is just as observable as the nefarious man in a yellow suit. Richards' characterization is delightfully naughty and he joins all of the shows in some of his best production numbers.

Ben Hall and Jaeden Tueller provide laughter and some fun vocal performances as an awkward constable and his long-suffering protg.

Jessica Lewis and Afton Whitney complete the main roles in the series, respectively as Winnie's laconic mother and cheeky grandmother.

Tuck Everlasting is a musical rather than an extravagance. The show has only a few full-fledged production numbers, which seems a shame given the obvious talents of its ensemble performers. The majority of musical scores are solos and duets beautifully performed by the main characters. The best of these tunes is the solo Time, sung poignantly by Pyfer, and the breathtaking duo The Wheel performed by Ms. Checketts and Bateman.

The musical ensemble, led by Jessica Christensen, provides stylized dances and appropriate supporting harmonies for many of the songs in the production. But their most memorable contribution to Tuck Everlasting comes in the finale of the show, a dazzling ballet sequence that captures the joys of Winnies' life after it rejects the temptation of immortality.

Fortunately, the artistic aspects of Tuck Everlasting are as good as the stage performances. The imaginative scenography of Daniel Rash and Nathan Allen creates exactly the right ethereal vibe for this production and the lighting effects from Chase Cook are incredible.

Tuck Everlasting performances will continue at Sky View High School in Smithfield until March 16.

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