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Bollywood roundup: Shilpa Shetty, Salman Khan, Richa Chandha and more…


Shilpa delighted to discover hidden talents across India

Mumbai– Actress Shilpa Shetty, who is currently judging ‘India’s Got Talent’, is happy to discover hidden talents across the country through the reality show.

Speaking about the premiere weekend, Shilpa said, “I am thrilled to discover the plethora of hidden talent that the nooks and crannies of India have in store for us.”

She added, “It’s encouraging to see that the audience is enjoying this season of ‘India’s Got Talent’ as well. Kirronji, Badshah, Manoj and I are having a great time filming for the series.

This is the fourth time Shilpa has been seen judging a reality show. Previously, she judged shows like “Zara Nachke Dikha”, “Nach Baliye” and “Super Dancer”.

Season 9 of ‘India’s Got Talent’ airs on Sony TV.

On the film front, Shilpa who is currently seen as a judge on ‘India’s Got Talent’ will be seen in the film ‘Nikamma’. Directed by Sabbir Khan, the film also stars Abhimanyu Dassani and Shirley Setia.

Salman Khan teases his upcoming single ‘Dance With Me’

Mumbai– Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is ready to take the mic back with his next track titled “Dance With Me”, the teaser of which was released on Friday.

Salman took to social media and shared the teaser with his followers. He captioned the video, “Dance with me Hum sung nachle… #DanceWithMeTeaser.”

The video shows Salman in different avatars as he dances to the beats of the song before rounding it out with his vocals – saying, “Come dance with me”.

The song was composed by music composer duo Sajid-Wajid.

It promises an electrifying experience with electronically programmed synths and beats and is set to hit the airwaves on January 29th.

Richa Chandha Says Tigmanshu Is A Director Who Masters Acting

Mumbai– Actress Richa Chadha, who is awaiting the release of her upcoming crime thriller ‘The Great Indian Murder’, believes a director who has a deep understanding of acting is a blessing and easy to work with. him.

The actress said this in reference to her ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ co-actor Tigmanshu Dhulia, who directed ‘The Great Indian Murder’.

Richa says, “Working with a director who understands acting is truly a blessing. Working with Tishoo bhai (Tigmanshu Dhulia) on “The Great Indian Murder” was super smooth. I was always on my toes. It’s a tough part because it’s very simple, unlike some of the other roles I’ve played.

She feels happy that as a director he always encouraged her during filming, “but we actors felt comfortable enough to improvise, because the director encouraged us. I have to say that the whole experience of having him in the director’s chair was very smooth and fruitful for me and I look forward to collaborating with him very soon; whether as an actor or as a director.

“The Great Indian Murder,” which also stars Pratik Gandhi, with Raghubir Yadav and Ashutosh Rana, is based on the novel “Six Suspects” by author Vikas Swarup, and will be available to stream from February 4 on Disney+ Hotstar.

Taapsee Reveals How She Got Looped For “Looop Lapeta” On “The Kapil Sharma Show”

Mumbai– Bollywood actors Taapsee Pannu and Tahir Raj Bhasin are getting ready for the upcoming film ‘Looop Lapeta’. The ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ actress has revealed how she was involved in the film.

She shared, “I went to say no to the movie, thinking ‘I did a similar movie in the South, so maybe I won’t do a movie that has a similar concept in Hindi. Then he (director Aakash Bhatia) told me about the movie so well that he literally put me on a loop, and I said ‘yes’ right then and there!”

In the film, Tapsee plays the role of Savi and Tahir Raj Bhasin plays a character called Satya.

“Looop Lapeta” is the directorial debut of advertising filmmaker Aakash Bhatia and is an adaptation of the German thriller “Run Lola Run,” which has become cult over the years.

The film is set to stream on Netflix from February 4.

Fatima Sana Shaikh says she believes acting is reacting

Mumbai– “Dangal” actress Fatima Sana Shaikh feels that a lot of actors are defined by how an actor reacts to their co-actor. She argues that actors feed off each other’s energy to put on a good performance.

Expanding on her position, she said: “I believe playing is a lot about reacting. It’s always good to have good performers in front of you to be able to feed off their energies.

The actress recently worked in a TVC with Sidharth Malhotra. They immediately clicked, and their camaraderie seems to have translated into their work as well, based on her statement about her experience working with the actor.

“It was a pleasure working with Sidharth for publicity. We gelled so well on set, it wasn’t like it was the first time we worked together.

About their upcoming projects, Fatima Sana Shaikh will next be seen in “SamBahadur” while Sidharth Malhotra will be seen in “Mission Majnu” next.

Shruti Haasan To Play Female Lead In Prashant Neel’s Action Movie ‘Salaar’

Hyderabad– The creators of ‘Salaar’, starring Prabhas, released a special birthday poster to wish the film’s heroine Shruti Haasan on her birthday.

As the ‘Gabbar Singh’ actress celebrates her birthday on Friday, her upcoming film, ‘Salaar’ hero Prabhas took to his social media platforms to post a photo. “Wishing my entertaining heroine, the energy ball on set @shrutzhaasan a very happy birthday! #Salaar,” Prabhas wrote, as he shared the poster.

Shruti Haasan is playing a role named Aadya in Prashanth Neel’s upcoming film “Salaar”. Although the creators didn’t reveal much about the poster, Shruti Haasan is seen in a simple long-sleeved dress, as she gazes up at the sky.

Rumor has it that Shruti will play the role of a political journalist, while that is yet to be confirmed by the creators of ‘Salaar’.

Considered a high octane action entertainer, ‘Salaar’ is one of the next big budget movies to feature Prabhas.

As the film “KGF” brought him so much fame, Prashanth Neel pinned his hopes on “Salaar” to continue his good work.

Although it is reported that a few filming schedules have been sealed, the upcoming schedules will be crucial for the creators. Sandalwood’s production banner, Hombale Films, known for “KGF”, is funding “Salaar”. (IANS)




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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