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British actor Ahmed Elhaj goes to Hollywood with Vince Vaughns Apple TV Plus Series Bad Monkey


young british actor Ahmed Elhaj is ready for Apple TV Plus series bad monkey, from co-creator Ted Lasso bill laurent, who wrote the series and will serve as executive producer.

Titled by Vince Vaughn, the series is based on Carl Hiaasens’ 2013 novel of the same name. Elhaj plays a character named Neville, a tame and relaxed fisherman who lives in the Bahamas, whose life is completely turned upside down when his house is sold and destroyed. He then embarks on a journey of retribution.

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The heavyweight cast also includes Michelle Monaghan, Jodie Turner-Smith, Meredith Hagner and Rob Delaney. Elhaj joins them as a series regular. I’m super excited to join this cast, says Elhaj Variety. These are all people whose work I have watched and admired and who inspire me to find my own style and uniqueness in my work. Working with them is a dream.

The series is produced at Warner Bros. Television, a company Elhaj knows well: in 2020, he was one of 10 actors chosen from 6,800 applicants worldwide for their Actors in Training program.

Acting has been Elhajs’ dream since he was seven years old, when the bedbug bit him in acting class at school. It was one of the classes that I really felt I was looking forward to and that my creativity could flow freely and didn’t feel limited in any way. It gave me a sense of freedom that I didn’t have in any other class, says Elhaj. The same goes for why I wanted to be an actor, the freedom I feel when creating a work and being involved in a creative process is unparalleled. It just suits me.

Elhaj was accepted into the prestigious London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, where he won a full scholarship. He attributes his first successes to them. It opened my mind to different ways of acting and gave me the tools to open up my creativity in ways I never even thought possible. Teach me different entrances and paths in a character but also the smallest specific details that allow [an actor] to get closer to real-life imitation, says Elhaj.

From the academy, Elhaj was hired by Bloomfields agent Welch and agency Verve and soon landed his first starring role in the BBC drama Silent Witness. A plum role in the ITV drama Grantchester followed. I am very proud to be the first black actor to have a significant role in ITV Grantchester. It meant a lot to me for such an important show, says Elhaj.

Up next for Elhaj is the Starz series Dangerous Liaisons, an adaptation of Pierre Choderlos de Laclos’ classic 18th-century novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses, where he plays the key role of Prevan de Valmont; and the role of young Marcus in the highly anticipated Netflix drama Half Bad, based on the bestselling young adult novel by Sally Greens.

Hollywood has a long history of celebrating young British actors with recent examples like John Boyega (the Star Wars franchise) and Oscar winner Daniel Kaluuya (Judas and the Black Messiah). Elhaj is heralded as the UK’s next big thing

I think I’m truly honored to be called this and it’s a testament to the hard work I’ve done and the amazing people who helped me get here but also to open doors for unseen people who also make a amazing job, says Elhaj. Having this spotlight allows me to spotlight projects and creatives that are somewhat invisible but create incredible work.

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