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10 Anime Characters Who Changed Voice Actors (And Why)

10 Anime Characters Who Changed Voice Actors (And Why)
10 Anime Characters Who Changed Voice Actors (And Why)


Anime characters are often known for the iconic voices that bring them to life, both in the original Japanese and in the dubs, to the point where it can be hard to imagine them sounding any different. Many voice actors dedicate years to certain roles and characters out of genuine love and dedication to the role as well as recognition, as many iconic roles launched their respective careers.

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However, at other times, complications and roadblocks arise in real life, necessitating a break for actors in certain roles or even an outright recast to ensure production can continue regardless of the conflicts.

ten Tony Tony Chopper One Piece: Ikue tani went on maternity leave in 2006 and was temporarily replaced by Kazue Ikura

Tony Tony Human Chopper Human Fruit

First appeared during the Drum Island arc inA play’In episode 81, the cute little reindeer is the fifth person to join the Straw Hats. After consuming a Zoan Devil Fruit that turned him into a reindeer-human hybrid, Tony-Tony Chopper is the Straw Hats’ official doctor.

The character was voiced in the original Japanese subtitle by voice actress Ikue tani. However, tani took maternity leave in 2006; his replacement, Kazue Ikura, voiced Chopper for episodes 254-263 until Tani returned to the role.

9 Greed Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: Chris Patton has been recast with Troy Baker to reflect the character’s body change

characteristic image of greed

Greed is one of the seven homunculi embodying the seven deadly sins created by the father,Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood’evil ruler. Unlike his siblings, Greed craves ambition, which even his creator cannot satisfy, and has split up to form his own band. Greed is forcibly retrieved by Father and melted down for his Philosopher’s Stone in Episode 14 of the anime; he is reborn into his second form using the body of Prince Ling of Xing.

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While the Japanese Sub used voice actor Yuichi Nakamura for both incarnations, Funimation’s English dub changed the voice actors to reflect the physical change; Chris Patton voiced the first Greed while Troy Baker voiced the second.

8 Kagome Higurashi Inuyasha: Moneca Stori moved and was replaced by Kira Tozer for Inuyasha: The Final Act

Inuyasha Kagome

Kagome Higurashiof Inuyasha is a headstrong student from a family of present-day Shinto shrine guardians. Through time travel, she accompanies the main character on many adventures through the setting of feudal Japanese fantasy, developing a romantic relationship with him while discovering her own spiritual and archery abilities.

Kagome was voiced by Satsuki Yukino for all Japanese language appearances. However, while Moneca Stori originally voiced Kagome for Viz Media’s English dub, Stori retired around 2009 and walked away, prompting the production to recast the role with Kira Tozer for Inuyasha: the final actwhich had been delayed due to the anime catching up with the manga, as well as Yashahime: Half-Demon Princess.

7 Soifon Bleach: Houko Kuwashima filled the role after the death of Tomoko Kawakami

Soifon using Suzumebachi

Bleach Soifon, or alternatively Su-Fng, is the captain of Soul Reaper Gotei 13 Squad 2 and the overall commander of the Stealth Force. Strict, serious, and hardworking, Soifon idolizes Yoruichi Shihoin and specializes in unarmed combat enhanced with Shunpo’s abilities and speed.

She does not hesitate to behave objectively with her allies and subordinates, believing that it builds character, and will not even let them stop her from acting. Originally voiced by Tomoko Kawakami, the comedian died in 2011 from ovarian cancer. Voice actress Houko Kuwashima then filled the role.

6 Akito Fruits Basket: Subtitle and voiceover changed between adaptations due to story twist

Akito is angry with Tohru.

Akito Sohma from Fruit basket is the head of the Sohma family, “god” of their zodiac curse, and is responsible for the Sohmas’ unimaginable pain and abuse, causing them to gravitate towards the kind protagonist Tohru Honda when she appears in their lives.

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The story was first adapted in the 2001 anime, where Murasaki Wakaba voiced the role. Since the anime ended before the manga, he wrote his own ending and missed the twist of the manga: Akito was actually born female and raised male. When the full 2019 adaptation was made, Maaya Sakamoto was chosen to replace Wakaba as a result. The Funimation dub did the same, replacing Chad Cline with Colleen Clinkenbeard.

5 Sailor Moon Sailor Moon: Creative Differences and Pregnancy Contributed to Multiple Redesigns

sailor moon close up

Under the civil name Usagi/Serena Tsukino, the main character herself is first a regular high school girl. Visited one day by her cat mentor, she learns of her destiny to protect Earth as a Soldier of Love and Justice. Although she only wants to be a normal teenager, the character grows in her responsibility alongside a group of other girls with the same destiny.

In DiC Entertainment’s English dub, Tracey Moore voiced the character ofSailor Moon’s first season before leaving for creative differences and was replaced by Terri Hawkes. Hawkes herself eventually quit due to her pregnancy, and the role was recast with Linda Ballantyne.

4 Juvia Lockser Fairy Tail: Brina Palencia’s Maternity Leave Forced Dawn M. Bennet to Step In

A known fan favorite of Fairy tale, Juvia is a supporting protagonist known for her strong water-based abilities and intense romantic crush on Gray Fullbuster. Bullied as a child for her rain abilities, she begins to open up once she joins the Fairy Tail guild and cares deeply for everyone involved.

English voice actress Brina Palencia voiced the character in Funimation’s English dub. When Palencia went on maternity leave in February 2019, Juvia was temporarily recast for episodes 291-294 with Dawn M. Bennet.

3 Bakura Ryou Yu-Gi-Oh!:Y Inoue died of lung cancer

A classmate of Yu Gi Oh ! ‘Yugi Muto’s main character, Bakura Ryou, is quiet, shy, and loves games. Unfortunately, he possesses the Millennium Ring and is unwittingly controlled by the malevolent spirit within. After his new friends defeat his evil persona Dark Bakura, Bakura is freed from the entity and becomes an addition to the main group.

Voice actress Y Inoue voiced the character in the original Japanese anime. However, Inoue died in 2003 from lung cancer. Voice actress Rika Matsumoto voiced the character beginning in episode 50.

2 Yamato/Pain Naruto: Troy Baker recast with Matthew Mercer due to scheduling conflicts

pain and yamato from naruto

In narutoYamato is the ANBU Black Ops member chosen to temporarily replace Kakashi Hatake as the leader of Team 7, while Pain is the alias chosen by shinobi Nagato in his quest to bring peace to the world by any means necessary.

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In the Viz Media English dub of naruto, both characters were voiced by Troy Baker. However, Baker was unable to continue to voice characters due to her numerous projects, causing multiple scheduling conflicts. As a result, voice actor Matthew Mercer took over as Yamato and Pain.

1 Star Platinum JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Matthew Mercer needed voice improvements

Star Platinum is a violent and powerful Stand, the visual manifestation of Jotaro Kujo’s life energy, which appears in Stardust Crusadersthe third part of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Although he is usually quiet, he is also known for his loud battle cry “ORAORAORA”.

While voice actor Matthew Mercer was cast to voice Star Platinum in Viz Media’s English dub, he was initially unable to produce the correct sound. As a result, the production opted to use Patrick Seitz’s version of the test dub until Mercer improved. Both versions are still in use.

NEXT: 10 Anime Characters Who Managed To Change Their Fates

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