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US cinemas aim to stay open despite concerns over coronavirus


4:11 PM PDT 10/10/2020


Pamela McClintock

Santa Clara County cinemas announced on Tuesday that they were exempt from a ban on mass gatherings.

Cinemas in the United States aim to remain open amid the coronavirus epidemic, which has prompted some local authorities to limit mass gatherings.

Earlier this week, Northern California's Santa Clara County – which includes San Jose – issued an order banning events that bring 1,000 or more people together in one room or space at the same time, such as a stadium , an arena, a large conference room, meeting room, cafeteria, theater or any other confined interior or confined exterior space.

The ban has no impact on commercial cinemas, as individual county auditoriums have fewer than 1,000 people, according to the National Association of Theater Owners of California / Nevada.

According to the Santa Clara County Decree, a "mass gathering" does not include normal operations at airports, shopping centers or other spaces where 1,000 or more people may be in transit. It also does not include typical office environments, retail businesses or grocery stores where a large number of people are present, but where it is unusual for them to be at a distance from each other.

Theater owners would be forced to close if local and state authorities prescribed such a measure. "This is an unprecedented situation," says an industry veteran.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday that some businesses and establishments, including schools, will close within a mile of "containment" in New Rochelle, a hotbed of the virus. No cinema works in the affected radius.

As COVID-19 cases increase in the United States, Hollywood and the exhibition industry are increasingly concerned about the impact on cinema. So far, two studio outings – the James Bond photo No time to die and Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway – have been postponed due to concerns over the virus.

"I think theaters are preparing for all eventualities. I don't think you will see a stop across the country, but there may be closings locally," said Eric Handler, Wall Street analyst, MKM Partners, which tracks the exhibition stocks. "We are still seeing an accelerated number of cases, and I don't think the worst is over."

The main theater circuits did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the development of events, but insiders say cinemas across the country have increased security measures in recent days. Some chains also modify sick leave to make it easier for employees to stay at home if they feel sick.

Almost all cinemas in China – the second largest cinema market in the world behind North America – broke down over a month ago due to the virus, while all of them ; Italy is now under quarantine. Historically, companies in the United States have committed to staying open during various epidemics, even if activity slows down.

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