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Meet the Scottish couple who create inspiring YouTube videos


A Scottish couple has taken YouTube by storm with their inspiring life stories.

Charlie Allan and Lauren Faulkner have become big names on social media and we absolutely live for them.

The couple who come from Edinburgh are honest, witty and it is obvious that they are absolutely in love with each other.

But they are not your average couple and they both have important stories to tell.

Charlie is a transgender man speaking on his YouTube channel Trans life and woman about the struggles he faces every day.

Charlie Allan.
(Image: Garry F McHarg daily record)

In one of his very first videos titled “ Transgender Timeline Story '', Charlie takes his disciples on his journey talking about the crucial points in his life and how he struggled to “ adapt '' & amp; # 39; to womanhood and when he tried to dress a little girl, he felt like a "drag queen".

Charlie secretly started his testosterone journey and then told his best friend Chloe her truth at a party.

The twenty-two-year-old launched a Go Fund Me online page to raise funds to remove her breasts and in four days, he reached over 6,000 for which he continually thanks his followers on Twitter.

Lauren Faulkner.

Last year Charlie hit our TV screens when he appeared in MTV's True Love or True Lies hosted by Dani Dyer with best friend Chloe Nicol

Charlie met his partner Lauren via social media after she slipped into her MDs and the couple has been inseparable ever since.

Lauren is also on their channel, which has over 53,000 subscribers, where she talks about living her life with OCD and emetophobia.

Emetophobia is a phobia that causes overwhelming and intense anxiety related to vomiting – she is so terrified of being sick that she takes sickness pills every day.

This is something she is very open and honest about, and even made a 57-minute video explaining to her viewers everything she experiences on a daily basis.

Lauren, who is a talented makeup artist, talks about her panic attacks, her sanity and her relationship with Charlie – and the negative side of online life.

The 21-year-old also speaks with pride about how she likes cleaning and recommends many different products to her 30,000 Instagram followers, and is also an actress on Twitter and once went viral for “ saving '' ; & # 39; what she thought was a missing cat. turned out to be someone's pet.

The couple are talking about important topics online.

Recently, she has also become a foodie, teaching her fans to prepare quick and easy dinners that taste exactly like a takeout.

The couple live with their two cats, Dave and Steve.

They also recently announced on Instagram that they had been shortlisted for the Cosmopolitan Influencer of the Year Award for "Best Newcomer".

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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