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UMNs eStudio invites community creativity with interactive exhibit – The Minnesota Daily

UMNs eStudio invites community creativity with interactive exhibit – The Minnesota Daily
UMNs eStudio invites community creativity with interactive exhibit – The Minnesota Daily


The Scribit, a wall drawing robot that illustrates from digital files on vertical spaces, will be available for use in the eStudio for the remainder of the semester.

Alice Bennett

An installation, titled “Scribit”, at the Regis Art Center on Wednesday, March 16. Scribit is a self-drawing robot that draws drawings which are uploaded to a QR code.

Drawing on walls may have warranted a break in your youth, but the University of Minnesota’s eStudio, a collaborative art technology learning space, has an installation that encourages it.

The participatory display centers around the Scribit, a device that automatically draws digital artwork files on vertical spaces with essentially mechanical precision, a wall-drawing robot, as eStudio researchers affectionately call it.

The eStudio was created by Diane Willow, Associate Professor of Art at the University, who works to simplify the intersection of science, technology and art for students. The lab is open to students from all colleges, whether or not they major in an arts field, and encourages peer-to-peer learning, Willow said.

It’s a place to exchange ideas and also to share processes, Willow said. Not everyone knows everything, but together people understand things.

Research assistants like Jamal Awadallah help newcomers learn how to properly use the various machines that populate the eStudio. The Scribit is just one of them, although it’s the newest, Awadallah said, adding that it’s definitely the hottest thing in the studio right now.

We tried to find a way for people at eStudio to collaborate on something public, Willow said. It also increases the band’s energy and draws attention to the studio, and then people can drift off and try something they’ve never tried before.

The eStudio also offers the use of an embroidery machine, 3D printers, vinyl cutters, drawing tablets and all sorts of other gadgets to help with artistic creation.

I really think there’s a playful spirit in the studio and, like, a welcoming,” Awadallah said. Some people come here and don’t even use the machines. They just make their own plans and hang around.

The idea to put the Scribit on display came from a literal blank wall, according to Awadallah. The empty space outside the eStudio, on the second floor of the West Building of the Regis Center for Art, was just begging to be filled.

Mira Swartz, another eStudio research assistant, came up with the idea of ​​making a giant vinyl QR code to display alongside, encouraging people to submit their own art and participate in the exhibition.

The machine drew student-submitted drawings on the walls of Regis from March 14-24 and will be actively doodling inside the studio for the rest of the semester.

It works all day, usually. If you’re doing a drawing, it can take up to 15 hours, Awadallah said, “So it’s pretty cool to always have it moving while people are coming in and out of the building.”

For Willow and the eStudio research assistants, public access to art is essential. People’s participation is what really activates the work; it’s only truly fully realized when other people are a part of it, Willow said.




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