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Bollywood must stop remaking regional films

Bollywood must stop remaking regional films
Bollywood must stop remaking regional films


Bollywood must stop remaking regional filmsThe latest tweets from Dharma Productions and Fox Star Studios revealed the sacking of the rights to the Malayalam blockbuster, Hridayam, in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu by these prominent film production companies. And just like that, the majority of Indian moviegoers will soon be wondering once again, When will Bollywood stop acquiring the rights to fine regional films?.

The days when Bollywood filmmakers came up with something new or unique are long gone. Back when the cinema viewing experience made sense. These days, it feels like all those important things have lost their meaning. Or should it be said that the current generation of Bollywood producers do not care about these crucial elements? We can blame whoever we want in this case. But it will not improve the status of Bollywood in the future.

Bollywood has a long and shameful history of gruesomely cutting hundreds of regional masterpieces in the name of remakes. Can you guess which people are responsible for this pathetic scenario? It seems like the big production houses in this industry have forgotten or don’t want to waste their time on quality or quirky movie projects these days. They operate like money-printing machines recycling classic regional films into typical, ugly Bollywood masala films. And it’s not as if redoing regional projects is the only alternative these production companies have. We can also throw countless Bollywood remakes of classic Hollywood gems into this mess.

How about shedding light on some of the worst Bollywood remakes of all time? Do you remember Shashank Khaitans Dhadak (2018)? No one remembers this movie for being a box office hit and earning over 100 crores. He is only known for tearing Nagraj Manjules Sairat apart in the worst way. Then there is Begum Jaan (2017). It served as the official remake of the acclaimed Bengali film, Rajkahini (2015). Despite Vidya Balans’ best efforts, the remake suffered the wrath of critics and audiences alike. He was declared average after the high point of his theatrical run. Moreover, we have Tevar, Laxmii, Ready, Tiger Shroffs Baaghi series, Prabhudevas Ramaiya Vasthavaiya, Simmba, Policegiri, Bodyguard, Khatta Meetha, Force and many more trashy remakes of top notch South Indian movies. In conclusion, it can be said that almost half of the foundation of Bollywood relies on the horrible remakes of amazing regional or international films.

It’s not like Bollywood is suffering from a lack of good and talented writers or filmmakers right now. Movies like Andhadhun, 83, Raazi, Bala, Gully Boy, Badhaai Ho and many more have shown that this industry is far from being declared completely worthless in the future. But it must also be admitted that the number of such worthwhile projects has fallen sharply in recent years. Bollywood can only save its reputation by delivering original and good films to its viewers instead of shipping remakes of regional films. follow us on Google News

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