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The actors speak out against the game of method

The actors speak out against the game of method
The actors speak out against the game of method


Several players have weighed in on the recent debate over method gambling, with Mads Mikkelsen, Will Poulter and Samuel L. Jackson among those criticizing parts of the practice.

Method acting is a technique performers use to empathize emotionally with the characters they play in an effort to deliver a more authentic performance. The process often sees actors immerse themselves in their roles by staying in character, both on and off set, although the exercise can produce mixed results and not all actors agree with it.

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Mads Mikkelsen, who plays Gellert Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets, learned many new skills while preparing for the various roles he took on throughout his acting career, but he recently said United Kingdom that he would never extend this commitment to method acting because he thinks the practice is “pretentious”.

“It’s *** bulls,” Mikkelsen said, sharing his dislike of methodical play. “But the preparation, you can take it crazy. What if it was a *** movie, what do you think you accomplished? Am I impressed that you didn’t give up on the character? You should have give up from the start! How do you prepare for a serial killer? Are you going to spend two years checking this out?

Mikkelsen then took on a mocking tone, adding, “‘I smoke a cigarette? This is 2020, this isn’t 1870 can you live with it?'” The actor used this as an example of the problem that he sees methodically acting, calling the process “pretentious” and blaming the media for praising a performance based on how seriously an actor approached it.

These comments come shortly after Will Poulter shared his thoughts on the method game. In a recent interview with The Independentthe actor acknowledged that how an actor chooses to approach a role is entirely their choice, as long as it doesn’t negatively impact the production under the guise of staying in character.

“As far as an actor’s process, whatever it is, as long as it doesn’t intrude on anyone else’s and you’re considerate, then fine,” he said. “But if your process creates an inhospitable environment, then to me you’ve lost sight of what’s important. Orderly action shouldn’t be used as an excuse for inappropriate behavior and it definitely is.”

These remarks echo those of Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Pattinson and Martin Freeman who have all previously shared their thoughts on the method of action. jackson said Collider that ultimately, the process of filming the scenes should be a positive experience for everyone involved, especially when filming difficult moments that carry added emotional weight.

“Sometimes when you work with people who invest like that, you don’t feel like they’re having a good time,” he said. “It’s a make-believe job. You do it effectively and you do it in a way that doesn’t harm you because it’s a safe space. You’re supposed to be able to safely enter that space, work and give emotionally, and not be hurt by it.”

Batman star Robert Pattinson once said Variety that he respects the practice of method of action, although he noted that “you never see people doing method when they’re playing an a**hole”. Martin Freeman criticized the practice, citing the behavior of Jim Carrey working on Andy Kaufman’s 1999 biopic Man on the Moon as a particularly notable culprit.

Despite these opinions, the approach of acting methodically is still frequently adopted by actors. NME notes that Benedict Cumberbatch and Kirsten Dunst didn’t talk to each other on the set of The Power of the Dog in order to stay in character, while vanity lounge says Lady Gaga spoke with an Italian accent for nine months to portray her character in House of Gucci.

Jared Leto is infamous for his wild approach to acting, and that apparently didn’t change much while filming Morbius. In fact, director Daniel Espinosa confirmed that Leto’s method acting process included using crutches to go to the bathroom, which caused delays between takes as he had bathroom breaks that could take up to at 45 minutes.

Unfortunately for Espinosa and Leto, the actor’s commitment to the character of Michael Morbius didn’t exactly translate into a particularly well-received film. Morbius stands at 16% on rotten tomatoes, making it the second lowest-rated Marvel movie behind the Fantastic Four reboot. IGN rated Morbius 5 out of 10, calling it “an origin story that lacks teeth and teeth”.

Adele Ankers-Range is a freelance writer for IGN. Follow her on Twitter.




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