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Bollywood producers reflect on release dates


While Hollywood has postponed its releases and canceled its outdoor shootings, Bollywood uses a hold strategy for upcoming movies.

It has been a few hectic days at Rohit Shettys Andheri's office. The filmmaker is juggling the post-production of his next Akshay Kumar-starrer Sooryavanshi with meetings to decide on its release date. The daily discussions are also followed by the actor, with producer Karan Johar and Shibasish Sarkar, CEO, Reliance Entertainment.

The team released the trailer with a starry event on March 2, but have yet to release a new promo. while a song launch has been delayed. While the police drama is expected to arrive on March 24, Shibasish also has 83 Kabir Khans Ranveer Singh to be released on April 10. There were trailer launch plans for the sports drama on March 11, with real and real cricketers meeting at the MMRDA pitch, which was canceled recently.

Radhe: your most wanted Bhai, photo by Sooryavanshi

Radhe: your most wanted Bhai, photo by Sooryavanshi

Now, amid fear of the growing coronavirus on a global scale, the confirmed number of cases in India reportedly touched 60 on Wednesday Wednesday, the two films could be postponed. We haven't changed the release dates yet, but discussions are ongoing as the situation changes every few hours. We are unable to determine whether the impact of the coronavirus is significant enough to change the versions, says Shibasish, adding that the manufacturers are racing against the clock to take a call by the weekend to come up. I need to have Sooryavanshi prints ready for delivery to international markets by March 17; we don't have much time.

Business analyst Taran Adarsh ​​attributes the dilemma surrounding the two films to fear of public spaces in the aftermath of the epidemics. Shopping centers do not record the necessary steps; everyone is afraid of catching the infection. Besides India, fear is likely to have an impact on the numbers abroad. The United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, the United Arab Emirates and the GCC and New Zealand are big markets for Hindi films, he explains.

The situation changes every few hours … we don't have much time to finalize the release date of Sooryavanshi

–Shibasish Sarkar

He adds that a delay in the release of Sooryavanshis could trigger a chain reaction for the summer releases of Bollywood. Postponing a film is expensive, especially for a film like Sooryavanshi; its release date is plastered all over the country on signs. In addition, changing the date would mean a massive overhaul of the programming of the films that will follow it in theaters, explains Taran, stressing that Akshay, who has Laxmmi Bomb scheduled for Eid, would like a considerable gap between the two films.

However, the Rajasthani exponent Raj Bansal urges the filmmakers to delay their releases without wasting more time. Baaghi 3 collections were affected by 10 to 15%. Since the diagnosed cases are increasing, it is possible that the epidemic will make more noise in the coming days. Big movies shouldn't risk it, he reasoned. Although Shibasish agrees with the magnitude of the impact, he would still like to wait and watch.

Shopping centers do not record the required footsteps; everyone is afraid of catching the infection … The United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, the United Arab Emirates and the GCC and New Zealand are big markets for Hindi movies

–Taran Adarsh

Another business analyst, Amod Mehra, insists that the Tiger Shroffstarrer Baaghi 3 has done decent business for its genre and that fear has not affected the industry. There is nothing to fear, at least in India. However, as Sooryavanshi is a big film, it could lose Rs 30 crores in the international markets, he admits, adding that the exhibitors would suffer the most if the film releases were delayed. Producers incur losses when interest on the loan increases over time, in addition to marketing costs. But exhibitors lose all their belongings if a film doesn't open, he says. Are movie theater owners taking steps to keep their premises free of coronaviruses? Nothing can be done. We cannot provide masks. The least we can do is clean the seats with Dettol after each performance. But even that is an expensive and time consuming task, says Bansal.

In Kerala, movie theaters were ordered to remain closed until March 31. According to trade expert Sreedhar Pillais, this could roll back the Malayalam industry by Rs 100 crore. If Sooryavanshi arrives on March 24, he risks losing around 2 crore rupees, as Kerala is a small market for Hindi films, he said, adding that the biggest concern for the state would be Priyadarshans magnum opus, the Mohanlal-starrer Marakkar: Lion of the Arabian Sea, which has been postponed indefinitely from its original release date of March 26.

Laxmmi Bomb, No Time To Die, Coolie No 1

Laxmmi Bomb, No Time To Die, Coolie No 1

According to Bansal, this could be a silver lining for short films. They normally lose money because of the competition but here the situation could translate into a successful solo run for them.

As Bollywood reflects on the fate of its next releases, the release date of the new James Bond the movie No Time to Die was postponed from April to November this year. More recently, the calendar Tom cruiseThe seventh Mission Impossible film has been canceled.

According to one source, with the exception of Salman Khans Radhe who sticks to his Eid date, the other summer films on List A, including Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, Coolie No 1 and Laxmmi Bomb, are waiting for Sooryavanshi and 83 manufacturers to finalize their release dates for clarity on the box office calendar.

At the time of going to press, the Sooryavanshi team was in camera to discuss the matter. Earlier in the evening, Mumbai had reported its first two cases (out of 10 in the state).

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