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Peter Jackson's Beatles documentary to hit theaters in September


Disney acquired the distribution rights for "The Beatles: Get Back", which will feature previously unseen footage of the Fab Four.

Peter Jackson's documentary Beatles, which includes unreleased footage from the timeless rock group, will hit theaters in December.

Disney has acquired the distribution rights for Jackson's "The Beatles: Get Back" and will launch the film in the United States and Canada on September 4, said Disney executive chairman Bob Iger at the meeting annual shareholders of the company. The company will announce the film's global release dates at a later date.

Jackson's next documentary has been presented as a new version of the 1970 documentary film "Let It Be", which will see a re-release remastered sometime after the premiere of "The Beatles: Get Back". The documentary "Let It Be" has not been released since the 1980s.

Disney presents new content from the documentary Jackson as "the group's notable sequence at studio work, capturing John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr as they create their now classic songs from scratch, laughing, joking and playing on camera. "The documentary film will also show the group 's last live performance on the roof in 1969.

"Working on this project was a joyful discovery," said Jackson in a statement. "I had the privilege of being a fly on the wall while the largest group of all time worked, played and created masterpieces. I am delighted that Disney has become our distributor. There is no one better for our film to be seen by as many people as possible. "

The documentary sequence is being restored by Park Production Post-Production based in New Zealand, with Jabez Olssen ("They Shall Not Old Old") as editor. The music for the film will be mixed by Giles Martin and Sam Okell at Abbey Road studios in London. Production is carried out by Apple Cords Ltd and Jackson’s WingNut Films. Producers include Jackson, Clare Olssen and Jonathan Clyde, Ken Kamins and Jeff Jones being executive producers.

"No group has had the kind of impact on the world that the Beatles have had, and" The Beatles: Get Back "is a front-row seat to the inner workings of these genius creators at one time pivotal point in music history, with restored images that appear to have been filmed yesterday, "said Iger in a statement." I myself am a big fan, so I couldn't be happier than Disney can share the wonderful documentary by Peter Jackson with a global audience in September. "

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