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NXT Results: Ciampa and Gargano Raise Hell in the Performance Center


This week on NXT, Johnny Gargano promised to answer why he attacked Tommaso Ciampa and cost him the NXT championship and Ciampa was there to get the explanation from him. In addition, NXT Tag team champions The BroserWeights faced The Undisputed Era and NXT North American champion Keith Lee faced Cameron Grimes! Check out the results of these title matches and more on this week's edition of NXT!

This week's edition of NXT came to us live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida, instead of Full Sail Live.

NXT North American Championship: Keith Lee (c) against Cameron Grimes

Lee controlled early, using his power as Grimes tried to counter and stick. Grimes got the advantage after being kicked out of the ring by Lee and double kicked in the face on the apron. A crossbody made Grimes climb before the break and tried to ground Lee, but Lee made the comeback for the win.

Winner by pinfall and North American STILL NXT Champion: Keith Lee

After the match, Damian Priest attacked and punched Lee in the back of the head with a pipe. Dominik Dijakovic ran to perform the rescue and Lee struck Dijakovic with an alcohol bomb, thinking that it was he who attacked him.


NXT Women & # 39; s Championship Contenders Ladder Match Qualifier: Mia Yim vs. Dakota Kai (w / Raquel Gonzalez)

Yim started warm and focused on Kai's right knee. Kai sent Yim and distracted the referee, allowing Gonzalez to drop Yim on the apron before the commercials. Yim started a comeback before Kai hit a Kai-ro-practor for an impending fall. Yim got an electric bomb and stacked Kai for the cover, but Gonzalez grabbed Yim's foot to break the pin. The referee yelled at Gonzalez at the edge of the ring and missed a Kai pin that would have won him the match, but Yim hit a Codebreaker.

Winner by pinfall: Mia Yim

After the match, Gonzalez defeated Yim.

Tommaso Ciampa was shown arriving at the WWE PerofrmanceCenter and was asked about Johnny Gargano saying things would be done his way this week. Ciampa asked "his way?" and left.


Kushida vs. Raul Mendoza

Mendoza started with lucha and fell in a punch from Kushida. Kushida dived, but Mendoza with a crooked fisherman's bust inside brought Kushida to the ground. Kushida made the return and took down a Hoverboard Lock from the top.

Submission winner: Kushida


Austin Theory interrupted an interview with Tyler Breeze to set up a match between them

NXT female champion Rhea Ripley went out for a promo and said Charlotte Flair would need a better psycher game plan before WrestleMania. Flair interrupts him and says that Ripley has guts, but Flair is too much, too fast and too early for Ripley. Flair said she would take Ripley into the deep waters and drown her. This led to a fight where Flair wrapped Ripley's leg around the pole of the ring and locked Figure Four on the pole.

A video package from UK champion NXT Walter ended with Finn Balor holding his passport.


Mia Yim was shown walking in the parking lot and a van quickly passed by. Two luchadors came out and kidnapped Raul Mendoza.

NXT Women & # 39; s Championship Contenders Ladder Match Qualifier: Tegan Nox vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Purrazzo controlled with bids and suplexes to start. Purrazzo got Nox in a Fujiwara Armbar, but Nox piled up for a near fall. Headbutt configured the Shiniest Wizard for Nox.

Winner by pinfall: Tegan Nox


The undisputed era came out for the main event, but Velveteen Dream broke off from the platform. Dream said that he had always had his eyes on the NXT champion Adam Cole and that he never cared about Roderick Strong and his family. Dream said Strong is just dumber than it looks. Cole said Dream had not won a title hit and that Cole would have a celebration next week to celebrate becoming the longest-standing NXT champion of all time. Undisputed Era moved to attack, but Dream snapped her fingers to bring out the NXT team champions The BroserWeights.

NXT Tag Team Championships: The BroserWeights (c) vs. The Undisputed Era (Kyle O & # 39; Reilly & Bobby Fish) (with Adam Cole & Roderick Strong)

Dunne and O & # 39; Reilly started with a dead end to bring Riddle and Fish. The BroserWeights erased the ring with gutwrench suplexes before the commercials. Riddle almost fell on O & # 39; Reilly after the break, but a distraction from Fish caused Riddle to fall from the deck and the ground. Riddle was beaten by Fish and O & # 39; Reilly for a long part of the match. Riddle dodged under the keystrokes of Fish to land a Pelé kick and get the hot tag at Dunne. Dunne cleaned the house and got a triangular choke. Riddle jumped from Dunne to take a dip in the uncontested era outside. Riddle threw Adam Cole into the ring and Dunne clapped hands and sold a superkick, causing the referee to be ejected before another break.

Dunne isolated herself during the commercials, but got the hot tag for Riddle after the break. Riddle boots and kicks started the comeback. Dunne and a strike exchange with O & # 39; Reilly saw the challenger drop a clothesline. Fish and Riddle scored and O & # 39; Reilly slipped a label for a flying knee drop that almost won the game. Chasing the dragon over an isolated puzzle has done almost the same thing. Riddle dropped the EU and it brought Grizzled Young Veterans out. Zack Gibson cut Riddle's throat and almost cost the champions dearly, but Dunne eliminated them. O & # 39; Reilly was left for the Bro to Sleep and enzugiri combo.

Winners by pinfall and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: The BroserWeights


Tommaso Ciampa closed the show in the ring. Ciampa said he knew Johnny Gargano could hear his voice. Ciampa wanted Gargano to explain why to the fans. Gargano cut from a meeting room in the PC and said that Ciampa was the meanest man in NXT. Gargano wanted to know why Ciampa had to be absolved and Ciampa searched and found Gargano. The two fought over the PC, in the medical room and the weight room. They fought through the crowd and up to the platform. Gargano locked himself in the GargaNo Escape and swung Ciampa over the edge. Gargano attempted to overthrow Ciampa, but Ciampa ended the fight by landing an air crash at the announcement table. The show ended with NXT general manager William Regal and officials caring for Ciampa and Gargano.

Nolan Howell can be contacted at [email protected] with any questions or comments.

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