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Kannada Raksh's actor – The New Indian Express


Through Express News Service

Raksh will join the bandwagon of these actors who have gone from television to the big screen. After highlighting serial publications like Puttagowri Maduve and now Gattimela who ruled the TRPs, he is now making his city debut with Naragundha Bandaya.

Interestingly, the actor now admits that he always wanted to be a movie hero, which came to him a little late in the day. "Television has never been my cup of tea," says Raksh.

Before the film is released on March 12, the actor talks about his next dramatic period, being a theater artist, his passion for cinema and how he accidentally got into TV, which ultimately pushed him to realize his dreams.

"I have six films in my hand, but three films have stopped halfway, and the other three have not yet seen its release. My dream has come true with Naragundha Bandaya", says Raksh, who is active in the theatrical space, after doing nine years with the Prathikriye troupe.

"I had the opportunity to go behind the camera for a few films, and I even had two films released before going on the small screen. But unfortunately, it took off according to plan. My theatrical performance caught the eye of Ramji, the producer of the series, Puttagowri Maduve, who forced me to make cable TV, because at that time television was taking a different path. He thought being part of his soap opera could help in the future, and it did, "he adds.

For the future, he is currently focusing on his first launch, making Nagendra Magadi, which is a biopic on Veerappa Basappa Kadlikoppa. "Naragundha Bandaya is based on the very first farmers' revolt that took place in 1980.

Naragundha is located about 60 km from Hubli and is known to be the revolutionary land of farmers. How Veerappa Basappa Kadlikoppa was gunned down during the biggest revolt in the history of Karnataka. His courage and his fight were massively appreciated. This movement advocated the creation of "hasiru vasthra" for the very first time. When he died, a massive revolt took place with the fall of the government, "reveals Raksh about his role in the drama of the time.

Raksh, who has always wanted his first film to be distinctive, admits that his transition was difficult. "For those who have always seen me as a chocolate maker on television, they will now see a new me on a silver screen. I also chose to be part of a risky subject and play the role of a farmer. It took me through both a physical and a mental transition, ”he says.

In addition to being an actor, Raksh feels fortunate to get into the technical aspects of the film and also get involved in the post-production work.

"I worked for four films as an assistant director, which helped me to evolve technically as an assistant director before becoming an actor.

Naragundha Bandaya, produced jointly by Shekar Yaluvigi and Siddhesh Viratamatha, the latter also being honored as a screenwriter, presents Shubha Pooja opposite Raksh. Dharma Vish marked the music for the film and the cinematography is by R Giri. The cast also includes Sadhu Kokila, Avinash, Bhavya, Ravi Chethan and Neenasam Ashwath.

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