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Kate Beckinsale recounts the shocking incident of Harvey Weinstein after the premiere of "Serendipity"


10:15 p.m. PDT 3/11/2020


Sharareh Drury

Beckinsale detailed a 2001 meeting with the disgraced Hollywood tycoon in which he told her, "If I throw a red carpet, you wear a tight dress, you shake your ass."

After Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in a New York State prison on Wednesday morning, actress Kate Becksinale recounted a 2001 incident with the fallen Hollywood tycoon who left her in. tears.

Share her story on Instagram, the 46-year-old woman Underground world The actress detailed a meeting with Weinstein that took place a day after the New York premiere of Serendipity.

"These photos were taken during the premiere of Serendipity October 5, 2001. We all refused to go because holding a premiere just a few weeks after September 11 with the city still smoking seemed to be the most insensitive, dull and possible disrespectful, "said Beckinsale.

She continued that Weinstein "insisted" on the premiere, and the next morning, Beckinsale and her toddler daughter Lily were invited to her home for a meeting with her own daughter.

"I got there and he immediately called his nanny to take the babies to another room to play. I went with them and he said" No, you're waiting here. "The minute the door closed, he started shouting, "damn stupid damn CUNT, you CUNT, you ruined my first." I didn't know what he was talking about and I started shaking " wrote Beckinsale.

"If I throw a red carpet, you wear a tight dress, you shake your ass, you shake your breasts, you don't come down like a fucking lesbian, you are a fucking stupid idiot," Weinstein told the ; actress, according to Beckinsale's post.

"The shock made me cry," continued Beckinsale. "I tried to say" Harvey, the city is on fire, people are still looking for their loved ones, none of us even thought that the first was appropriate and again least go out dressed as if it were a bachelor party. "He said," I don't care – this is my damn first and if I want pussy on the red carpet, this is what I get. ""

Beckinsale wrote about how she and her child left Weinstein's home after this meeting, and explained how "it was one of the many experiences I have had for which he didn’t there was no remedy and that does not fall under any crime ".

She continued however that she was "punished for this, and for other cases where I said no to her for years, insidiously and seemingly irreversibly".

The actress said that Weinstein's conviction is "a huge relief for me on behalf of all the women he has sexually assaulted or raped, and I hope she will deter this genre." of behavior in this sector and in any other sector. "

She closed her post noting that "crimes that are not crimes" and "inhuman bullying and disguised mistreatment for which there is ALWAYS no recourse, no matter who you tell say "must be eradicated from the industry.

"I hope and pray that we, as an industry, begin to outlaw all abuses of power, speak out and eliminate them, for all genders, forever," concluded Beckinsale .

Weinstein's conviction ends his New York trial, which began on January 6. His team said they would appeal the jury's decision to convict him on two of the five charges he faced. The team said it did not know when he would be brought to justice for the four charges against him in Los Angeles County.

These photos were taken at the premiere of Serendipity on October 5, 2001. We all refused to go because the first outfit just a few weeks after September 11 with the city still smoking seemed to be the most callous, dull and disrespectful idea possible, but Harvey insisted. We flew to New York and got there. The next morning Harvey called me and asked if I would like to bring my daughter under the age of two to his home for a meeting with his similar elderly daughter, I said ok . I got there and he immediately called his nanny to take the babies to another room to play. I went to accompany them and he said, "No, wait here." The minute the door closed, he started shouting, "damn stupid damn CUNT, you CUNT you ruined my first". I didn't know what he was talking about and I started to tremble. He said, "If I throw a red carpet, you're in a tight dress, you shake your ass, you shake your breasts, you don't come down like a lesbian whore, damn stupid asshole. burst into tears. I tried to say "Harvey, the city is on fire, people are still looking for their loved ones, none of us even thought that the first was appropriate and again least go out dressed like it's a bachelor party. "He said," I don't care – this is my damn first and if I want pussy on the red carpet, that’s what I get. ”Livid. I managed to get my child and myself out of there and yes, that’s one of the many experiences that I’ve had. I have had for which there was no recourse and which does not fall under any crime, but I have been punished for this and for other cases where I have said no to him for years insidiously and apparently i Learning that he has been in prison for 23 years is a huge relief for me on behalf of all the women he has sexually assaulted or raped, and I hope he will deter this kind of behavior in this sector and in any other sector. That said, crimes that are not crimes, inhuman bullying and disguised mistreatment for which there is ALWAYS no recourse, no matter who you say (and I said it ), these must also disappear. I hope and pray that we, as an industry, can begin to outlaw all abuses of power, to expose and eliminate them, for all genres, forever. And Rose, brava

A post shared by Kate Beckinsale (@katebeckinsale) on

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