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Coronavirus Tom Hanks: actor and wife Rita Wilson tested positive


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Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson requested tests in Australia

Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks revealed that he and his wife Rita Wilson had tested positive for the new coronavirus in Australia.

Hanks and Wilson, both 63, sought medical advice after experiencing symptoms of a cold in Queensland, the actor wrote on Instagram.

They are now isolated in stable condition in an Australian hospital, officials said.

The couple were on the Gold Coast while Hanks was filming Elvis Presley.

Their diagnosis came soon after the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the coronavirus epidemic to be a pandemic.

Hanks wrote on Instagram: "We felt a little tired, like we had colds and aches. Rita had chills coming and going. Slight fevers too.

"To play it well, as is necessary in the world right now, we have been tested for coronavirus, and we have been found to be positive."

The Oscar winner, whose films include Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan, said he and Wilson would keep the world "current and up to date".

"We Hanks will be tested, observed and isolated as long as public health and safety requires it. Not much more than a day-to-day approach, right?"

In 2013, the actor revealed that he had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, the most common form. Diabetes UK says people with the disease may experience more severe symptoms of coronavirus and issued advice on how to take precautions.

"In a good mood"

In a video message posted on social media, the couple's eldest son, Chet, said: "I just phoned them, they are both fine, they are not even so sick.

"They don't care, they don't trip, but they obviously take the necessary health precautions."

Colin, Hanks' son from his first marriage, says the couple was "receiving excellent care" and were "in a good mood given the circumstances".

He added that he had been "in constant contact with them and I am confident that they will fully recover".

Work on the star's latest untitled film has been temporarily suspended.


"Everyone on the set went home and quarantined," said Gold Coast mayor Tom Tate.

The studio behind the film, Warner Bros., said it "was working closely with appropriate Australian health agencies to identify and contact anyone" who might have come into direct contact with the star.

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Wilson, singer and actress, gave concerts at the Brisbane Emporium Hotel and the Sydney Opera House last week.

Opera staff told AFP news agency that they were helping authorities find "around 207 people" who "may have been in touch with the couple" during the concert on Saturday .

Wilson also appeared on the 9 Today Extra television show, whose hosts and team are now in quarantine.

Celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Reese Witherspoon and Tim Allen have posted their support for the couple on social media, while singer Richard Marx said he had spoken to Wilson and that she "looked pretty good".

Actor and comedian Marlon Wayans joked in response to Hanks' Instagram message: "DAMN YOU TOM !!! You should always be the first. First Emmy winner, first Oscar winner, first Hollywood Coronavirus. "

Meanwhile, DeGeneres has announced that it will be filming its American talk show with no studio audience for the moment "for the health of my fans, my staff and my team".

Australia has recorded more than 130 cases of coronavirus.

Somewhere else, Italy to close all stores except grocery stores and pharmacies in the most difficult containment in Europe to date as deaths and cases of viruses continue to increase.

US President Donald Trump has suspended all travel from Europe in the United States for 30 days from Friday.

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