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Review: Fallout Theater & # 39; s The 2020 First Annual Hollywood Awards Show: Live in Hollywood! – Arts


Photo of Colton Matocha

Do you remember when all the kids in the neighborhood got together and put on a play for the parents? Everyone had an equal role in a chaotic variety show where you probably ended up wearing your father's oversized blazer and your mother's underpants as a hat. It was crazy and disorganized, but everyone had fun giving their heart and soul to their wacky characters. The first edition of the Hollywood Awards Show 2020: Live in Hollywood! feels like that, although decidedly more adult. A little messy, crazy and satanic, it's a wild ride in the monster planted with cocaine, curled up in the bright lights of Hollywood.

This 60-minute parade, directed by Yamina Khouane, is structured like the Academy Awards that we all know and love (or hate); however, each character trope at the Academy Awards is reversed. There is the energetic host who does her best, the young star fresh out of rehab, the universally adored actress who can't do any harm (think of Meryl Streep), and, well sure, the misogynistic porn star after his heyday. Although no performance particularly stands out, each actor succeeds in injecting false sympathy into his characters.

Halfway through the opening number of the host, two disgruntled filmmakers (played by Franny Harold and Brett VerVoort) rush to the stage, shouting the wrong interpretation and the dismissal of their film. They have machine guns, no pants and a mission. The rest of the show follows the restless host who tries to move the ceremony with the presentation of awards, video clips and speeches. It does not go as planned, with all the demonic possessions and the hostages that get in the way.

The first edition of the Hollywood Awards Show 2020: Live in Hollywood! is a lowbrow satire of Hollywood's self-congratulatory award shows and a fantastic denial of its dark side. In light of the preponderance of scandals that Hollywood has coughed up since its inception, there is a plethora of documents to draw from. No issues have been addressed here in editorial articles, so these topics seem relevant but not surprisingly at the same time.

There is nothing new here – we all know about drugs, sex and sects – but that may be exactly the point. Maybe in the satire of awards shows its importance, The Hollywood Awards& # 39; the use of predictable subjects symbolizes the archaic notions and practices of Tinseltown. The glaring opacity of the series reflects the number of people watching Hollywood at the moment, and I would bet there are artists who would like to rush onto the stage of the Dolby Theater and hold the host in a tuxedo under the threat of a weapon.

This wild adventure lovingly embraces its role as the complete antithesis of the glamorous Academy Awards. With the aforementioned production values ​​of a dilapidated but charming garden variety show, the production delights in what would be the nightmare of any producer of large-scale shows and chuckles at the thought of one of these absurd situations occurring in reality.

Like Hollywood itself, the surface and the belly of this show contradict each other. There is an absurd comedy on the surface and a hilarious and truthful look at the legendary industry below. While this is not an overwhelming job of satire, this punchy version of the soulless Hollywood system makes sense, never tries to be anything else and has an absolute blast along the way.

The first edition of the Hollywood Awards Show 2020: Live in Hollywood!

Fallout Theater, 616 Lavaca
Until March 21
Duration: 1 hour.

A version of this article was published on March 13, 2020 with the title: Fallout theaters The first edition of the Hollywood Awards Show 2020: Live in Hollywood!

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