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On Stage: opening weekend for three shows – Entertainment – Daily advertising


A glimpse of what's playing and what's coming on the local stages

Three shows open this weekend with performances of the comedy Tavares Community Theater, "Cemetery Club", a comedic interpretation of "Macbeth" in Clermont and the avant-garde production of Bay Street Player "Lady Day at Emerson & # 39; s Bar and Grill ", visit one of Billie Holiday's latest performances.

In addition, Bay Street Player's fundraiser, Play Your Part, will take place on Saturday with a reception, dinner on Magnolia Street and a premiere of "Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill".

Here is an overview of the local theater.

"Cemetery Club"

The Tavares Community Theater comedy "Cemetery Club" begins Friday with a wine and cheese reception and runs until March 29 at the Tavares High School Auditorium, 603 N. New Hampshire Ave. "Cemetery Club is the last show until the doors open to the new theater.

In the room, three Jewish widows meet once a month for tea before visiting the graves of their husbands. Ida is sweet and ready to start a new life, Lucille is the fiery embodiment of a girl who just wants to have fun and Doris is clumsy and critical, especially when Sam, the butcher, comes in. scene. He meets widows while visiting his wife's grave. Doris and Lucille crush the emerging romance between Sam and Ida. They get guilty when it almost breaks Ida's heart.

The cast includes Angel Allen as Lucille, John Farley as Sam, Susan Carcaba as Doris, Kathleen Encrapera as Mildred and Noel Miner as Ida.

Tickets: $ 10 to $ 18. Details:

"Production of Macbeth by the Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society, Farndale Avenue Subdivision"

The Moonlight Players of Clermont present the comedy "Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswom’s Guild Dramatic Society’s Production of Macbeth" which will debut Friday and on stage until March 29.

The play focuses on the assault of society against the classics with a surprisingly original production of Macbeth staged to bring them to the finale of Welwyn Garden City. Under the carefully mascara eye of referee George Peach, all events are hilariously conspiring against them.

The cast includes Heath Rosenbaum as George Peach, Kali Blankenship as Mme Reece, Amanda Alvarado as Thelma, Rod Thorell as Henry, Cori Blythe as Minnie, Joe Carlisle as Plummer, Jennifer Bennett as Dawn, Madison Sawyer as Felicity, Robin Cerilli as Kate and Mackenzie Sawyer as Penelope.

Tickets: $ 10 to $ 20. Details:

"Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill"

Transport yourself from the 1959 Eustis Historic State Theater to a seedy Philadelphia bar with performances on Sunday March 20 to attend one of Billie Holiday's last performances, given four months before his death.

More than a dozen musical numbers, including "What A Moonlight Can Do", "Crazy He Calls Me", Easy Living, "Strange Fruit", "Tain & # 39; t Nobody & # 39; s Biz-ness If I Do ”and“ God Bless the Child ”are intertwined with salty, often humorous reminiscences to project a captivating portrait of the lady and her music.

Tickets: $ 15. Details:

Fundraising for Bay Street players

The Historic State Theater Board of Directors is hosting the first edition of Play Your Part on Saturday, an annual fundraising dinner and a performance to support the Bay Street Players. The event starts at 5 p.m. with a cocktail at 5 p.m., an alfresco dinner along Magnolia Street at 6 p.m. and closing the evening with a premiere of "Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill" based on the life of Billie Holiday at 8 p.m.

The profits are donated to the Julia Nora Vatter Technical Theater Fund, created in 2009 in the Julia Nora Vatter legacy.

Cost: $ 100. For tickets, call the box office at 352-357-7777 or send an email to boxoffice @


"A guide to the love and murder of a gentleman"

The IceHouse Players present "A Man's Guide to Love and Murder" from March 20 to April 12 at the Sonnetag Icehouse Theater in Mount Dora.

In the room, a distant heir to a family fortune plots to speed up the estate to become the Earl of Highhurst with great charm – and a suspicion of murder. The play won four Tony Awards 2014, including one for best musical.

Tickets: $ 9.50 to $ 23.50. Details:


The Leesburg Melon Patch Players present the musical "Cabaret" from March 20 to April 5. There will be free interactive performances of the Spirit Theater at 7:30 pm Saturday, "What would you do?" An insider guide to Beau Mahurin's "Cabaret".

The play takes place in a shabby Berlin nightclub at the turn of the New Year's Eve 1930, a screaming master of ceremonies greets the audience, assuring them that "we have no problem here!" Life is good here! But with the master of ceremonies' debauchery songs serving as an ironic commentary to the action, Cabaret explores the exhilarating and tumultuous life of Berlin natives and expatriates as Germany slowly yields to the nascent Third Reich.

The show is classified PG13 for sexual humor, adult subjects and situations, drug use, partial nudity and thematic elements.

Tickets: $ 20 for adults, $ 10 for students. Details:


The musical "Godspell" comes on stage from March 27 to April 11 at the Living Drama Theater in Eustis.

In the play, a small group of people help Jesus Christ tell different parables using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques and large doses of comic timing. An eclectic mix of songs, ranging from pop to vaudeville, is used as the story of the life of Jesus dancing on the stage. Dissolving obsessively in the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, the messages of kindness, tolerance and love of Jesus come alive in a living way.

Songs include "Day after day," "Prepare the way of the Lord," "Learn your lessons well," "Everything for the best," "All good gifts," "Go back, oh man," and "To my sides ". . "

Tickets: $ 18 to $ 15 adults, $ 10 children. Details:

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