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Robots face the real world and seek revenge


HBOs Westworld ended its last season with lifeless bodies, both android and human, scattered around a fantastic land that has become a bloody battlefield.

In season 3 (Sunday 9 EDT / PDT), this war migrates to the real world, where Android hosts are now the most unwanted guests of a much larger human population.

The complex sci-fidrama, produced by JJ Abrams and inspired by the 1973 Michael Crichton film, has come a long way since its inception as an Old West theme park destination where wealthy humans could play any fantasy, even the darkest and most violent, with realistic robot hosts.

For viewers who may need their own mental reboot to reconnect with a program last aired almost two years ago, enslaved hosts have gained memory and power, leading to an uprising and massacre that dominated season 2.

Android host Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood) has come a long way since the premiere in the series of 'Westworld & amp; # 39; from HBO, who returns for season 3 on March 15.

Now, three months later, the Android Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood), a very mistreated host who abandoned the character of his sweet farmer's daughter to lead the revolt and then escape from the park to theme, continues to plot revenge against humanity on its own, stronger and freer ground. than ever.

"She is only doing what she feels needs to be done. She is empowered this season and finally in a world where she can make her own choices," said Wood, whose character left Westworld with five "pearls" in ball shaped, the brain of a sort for the new host copies. "The first season was her awakening. The second season was the escape. And now it's really when she gets to spread her wings and see who she really is."

Dolores is helped by Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson), or rather a host copy that she made which assumes the identity and corporate position of the executive of the Delos theme park who was killed last season. However, Charlotte's internal psychological identity, determined by one of the computerized pearls, remains a mystery.

"Aesthetically, it's very different because we're in this (new) world," says Thompson. "We saw a glimpse of humanity inside the park, but we did not understand the broader context from which it came. Certainly, it is something something the hosts were very keen to do towards the end of the last season. And as a member of the public, I was eager to get out of the park and see what the world looked like. "

Memories of season 2:Final recap of the season “Westworld”: nothing will ever be the same again

As Dolores and Charlotte continue their mission to bright, futuristic cities, another host reconstructed by Dolores, Bernard Lowe (Jeffrey Wright), revisits Westworld and reconnects with Ashley Stubbs (Luke Hemsworth), the security guard at theme park later turned out to be an android.

Aaron Paul, left, Lena Waithe and Marshawn Lynch joined the cast of & # 39; Westworld & # 39; of HBO for season 3.

Far from Westworld, where the clientele is biased, immigrant immigrants meet a broader spectrum of humanity, including Caleb (Aaron Paul), a construction worker and a military veteran battling PTSD.

Dolores is surprised when Calale comes to his aid in a casual encounter.Paul is part of an expanded cast that includes LFL, Marshal rapper Kid Cudi, Nena player Lena Waithe.

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