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6 Bollywood sequels to look forward to this year

6 Bollywood sequels to look forward to this year


With nationwide shutdowns due to the pandemic, many movies have been postponed. But now that we are out of it, the movie industry is back in full force with many new releases. Bookmark these upcoming Bollywood sequels we’re all looking forward to.

Upcoming Bollywood sequels to look forward to

Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2

The next Bollywood sequel to the 2008 classic Bhool Bhulaiya With Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan and Shiney Ahuja, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 stars Kartik Aaryan, Tabu, Kiara Advani and Rajpal Yadav. While the theme of the film remains the same in the supernatural horror-comedy genre and the original iconic title track has seen a reboot, the film is completely new and more ready for 2022! Released on May 20, 2022, the film is directed by Anees Bazmee and produced by Bhushan Kumar.

Release date: May 20, 2022

Dostana 2

Friendlywas legendary for so many reasons. With the cast, costumes, songs, location, and somewhat progressive take on homosexuality well ahead of its time in 2008,Friendlywas a milestone in Hindi cinema from Dharma Productions. Needless to say, expectations for its sequel are pretty high. The film originally starred Kartik Aaryan, Janhvi Kapoor and TV actor Lakshya and was directed by Collin DCunha. However, he was suspended when Kartik Aaryan was dropped from the project.

Release date: to be determined

hungama 2

A Priyadarshan brand comedy of errors, hungama may not have had a great all-star cast, but its honest storytelling and genuine attempt at comedy made it what it is today. At that time, when Bollywood stopped making great comedy films, hungama 2 is a breath of fresh air. Starring Paresh Rawal, Shilpa Shetty Kundra, Meezaan Jaffrey, and Pranita Shubhash, the creators decided to release it digitally.

Release date: to be determined

The Return of Villain Ek

The original film starring Sidharth Malhotra and Shraddha Kapoor,Ek naughtywas a musical gem with moving tracks that had become huge hits. The sequel originally starred John Abraham and Disha Patani and was on the floors before the pandemic, but due to the lockdown filming was postponed. The film resumed filming with a different cast of Arjun Kapoor and Tara Sutaria in the lead roles. Although not much is known about the movie, we do know that just like its prequel, this film will be a heartbreaking love story.

Release date: July 8, 2022

Go Goa Gone 2

Go Goa Gonein 2013 was an experiment in the horror thriller genre with comedy bits for Bollywood, and it worked and how! With this, Bollywood saw itself in a new spectrum, and the film became an instant classic. So, the creators are back with a sequel with the original cast of Vir Das, Kunal Khemu, Saif Ali Khan and Anand Tiwari playing the lead roles. Will this be a sequel to the first story, or is there a whole new story in the works? We’ll have to wait and watch!

Release date: to be determined

Héri Peri 3

Hera Phérineeds no introduction. The trio of Raju, Ghanshyam and Baburao is the most glorious and hilariously worthless. Together they have made us laugh since we were kids.Hera Phéri 3is probably Bollywood’s most anticipated sequel. In 2021, Paresh Rawal confirmed the making of the film in an interview withIndian Express, and fans are eagerly waiting. Keeping the original cast in place, this film will also star Abhishek Bachchan, Nana Patekar, Esha Gupta and Neha Sharma.

Release date: to be determined




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