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Tovino Thomas on & # 39; Kilometers & Kilometers & # 39 ;, the need for an actor for fitness and being a movie buff


From minor roles, Tovino Thomas has made his way to the top of Malayalam cinema. Her performances in films such as Ennu Ninte Moideen, Guppy, Godha, Mayaanadhi, Theevandi and Lucifer helped him make his mark. After the last few months Legal, Tovino has Kilometers and kilometers (of which he is one of the producers) which is coming out soon. The actor is currently filming for the role of a superhero in Basil Josephs Minnal Murali.

Excerpts from an interview with the actor:

Why did you decide Legal?

I heard the thread of Legal while Lucifers shoot. The duo of film directors (Akhil Paul and Anas Khan) gave me updated projects after each discussion. A lot of research went into the film because there are several scientific aspects to this story. This is the story that hooked me.

You make consecutive films. Is this part of a game plan?

Whenever I listen to an exciting story, I want to be part of it. You cannot guarantee that all the movies you make will become successful even if you are really selective. I believe that you have to follow my gut. I took a break to spend time with my family before joining Legal. As Minnal Murali needs about 120 days of shooting, I will not do any other projects in between.

Does a picture come in the way of exploring different characters?

Honestly, I don't think I have such an image. I have only done a limited number of novels. I have played characters of all shades, also of different lengths.

Is social media a boon or a curse?

We could be different from what is described on our social media profiles! In addition, we only post what we want others to see, such as promotional material, great opportunities, etc.

Is it easy to slip in and out of the skin of your characters, especially when you do the same in a row?

There are a lot of homework involved and the pains taken to shape each character. I make it a point of honor to make my characters different, not only in their appearance but also in their manners. All of this is done after extensive discussions with the team. I became a member of Minnal Murali shortly after the end Legal. My approach in the two films is completely different.

Photos of your workouts for Minnal Murali gone viral …

Minnal Murali discover superpowers after being struck by lightning. Although there were no shirtless scenes in the film, I felt like I had to be beautiful even with a shirt on. I need to have a good physique to look convincing as a superhero. I will continue my training because I must appear younger than my age at Muhsin Pararis Thallumaala. The training regime for the Muhsins movie will now be more rigorous and the diet will be different.

How important is physical fitness for an actor?

A certain level of physical awareness is essential for every human being. As far as an actor is concerned, the need for physical form and the type of form you need to be in depends on the characters you play. The exercise routine we do changes accordingly. If I focus on enlargement (putting on muscles) now, it was for the need to Kalki. Earlier, I had to lose weight considerably Theevandi like my character was of a man in his twenties. I was running a lot and on an intensive diet during this time. I'm someone who stays in the character I play throughout the shoot. As I constantly change my appearance for different roles, what I see in the mirror helps me get into the character easily.

Is there a feeling of insecurity among the actors because the fate of two films can decide its position in the industry?

I cannot speak for others. I was a top outsider when I entered this industry. I reached where I am by doing minor roles and appearances before putting on characters with shades of gray before moving on to the main roles. I believe that if I am good enough and have the talent, I will be in the industry for a long time.

You are a film buff. What does the experience look like when you watch your own movies?

Well, I can't look at it objectively. I'm the kind of actor who visits the place of the film even on days when I don't have any filming. So when I look at them later on the screen, all those memories will come back to my mind. Watching films that I am not part of, I am totally immersed in the story, often without even focusing on the technical aspects.

What is your character in & # 39;Kilometers and kilometers& # 39 ;?

I play Josemon, a villager. He must assume various responsibilities after the death of his father. The story tells of her trip from Kerala to Khardung La, with an American woman.

Are there any new projects outside of Mollywood after & # 39;Maari 2 & # 39 ;?

Not immediately.

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