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A new wave of martial arts is making its mark in Hollywood (VIDEO)

A new wave of martial arts is making its mark in Hollywood (VIDEO)


Asian Americans are leading a charge to create a more nuanced martial arts storytelling, with a group named Martial Club at the forefront.

In 1973, the movie “Five Fingers of Death” introduced American audiences to martial arts, and the genre immediately dominated the American box office. Warner Bros. “Enter the Dragon” was released the same year, becoming the first martial arts film produced by an American studio and the highest-grossing martial arts film of all time.

Since then, martial arts movies in Hollywood have come and gone in waves.

“The last time we saw martial arts in the industry, and it was cool, it was like the early 2000s,” said filmmaker, actor and martial artist Andy Le.

Hollywood is seeing a new wave of martial arts projects with movies like “Everything Everywhere All At Once” and TV shows like “Kung Fu.” Now, Asian Americans are finally leading the charge and pushing for more nuanced martial arts storytelling.

“We are in the golden age of Asian American-led martial arts movies and shows,” said Ron Han, film critic and founder of POC Culture.

“I grew up with Hong Kong martial arts movies, and these are wonderful, but that’s not all,” said SL Huang, martial artist and author.

At the forefront of this new wave of martial arts films is Martial Club, a rising group of filmmakers and martial artists founded by Andy Le, Brian Le and Daniel Mah. The group started on YouTube and garnered over 745,000 subscribers.

Martial Club’s work includes original shorts like 2020’s “Fist of Fury”. Marvel hero “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” where Andy Le was cast as the skilled warrior “Death Dealer” as well as the independent darling “Everything Everywhere All At Once”.

“We believe in the power of the message of Kung Fu movies, and that’s why we, as Martial Club, try to revive this genre and tell new stories and send new inspiring messages to the world of ‘today,” Mah said.

“It’s really a way to share our culture and our backgrounds, but to be able to tell much more layered stories,” Han said.

Starring Michelle Yeoh, “Everything Everywhere All At Once” is a martial arts film that crosses genres and transcends science fiction, philosophy, comedy and family drama.

The film’s martial arts choreography is as much a storytelling tool as it is a visual feast. This leans into absurdity, which opened the door to the “wackier” non-traditional fighting styles of the Martial Club. Directors Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert approached the crew directly to help with their envisioned fight scenes where objects like fanny packs and sex toys are used as weapons.

Beyond the inventiveness of “Everything Everywhere All At Once”, other recent films like the Disney animation “Raya and the Last Dragon” have introduced American audiences to more cultural fighting styles from Indonesia, from Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines.

“It’s really amazing to see some of these lesser-known traditions around the world gaining more holistic knowledge as people see them,” said Huang, who studied Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Taekwondo and Western kickboxing.

“The world of martial arts is so vast, and Martial Club is on a mission to explore every facet, every corner of this world,” Mah said.

The upcoming film “Hanuman” also advances the representation of Southeast Asian martial arts, specifically Cambodian. The project is directed by Pearry Reginald Teo and stars actor, executive producer and Martial Club member DY Sao.

“There are many different styles of martial arts in the world and, you know, the world has yet to see Cambodian-style martial arts,” Sao said. “We made a movie, all of us, called ‘Hanuman’ which is going to introduce the world to Cambodian martial arts, and I can’t wait.”

As this wave of martial arts in Hollywood continues and another project directed, produced and filmed by Martial Club debuts later this year, the filmmakers are sure to pay homage to their predecessors.

“We stand on the shoulders of giants who have gone before us,” Mah said.

“We just want to make sure we represent the best we can, like our heroes, their generation, did for us,” Sao said.




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