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AMVCA 2022 Winners: Full List of Africa Magic Viewers Choice Award Winners

AMVCA 2022 Winners: Full List of Africa Magic Viewers Choice Award Winners


Osas Ighodaro and Stan Nze

On an evening where we celebrate African talent, Stan Nze and Osas Ighodaro emerge as winners for Best Actor and Best Actress in a Drama, respectively, for the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards 2022.

Ms. Osas was a Nigerian-American who beat out competition from Kehinde Bankole, Bisola Aiyeola and Nancy Isime among the odas to win the Best Actress in a Drama category.

She won it for her role in the movie Rattlesnake: Ahanna’s Story.

Me who also plays for the film Rattlesnake: Ahanna’s Story They beat strong competition from Timini Egbuson, Gabriel Afolayan and Femi Jacobs.

The same film also saw the director, Ramsey Nouah, pick up the Best Director award on the evening.

Other actors who have gone home with the AMVCA awards include Funke Akindele who won Best Actress in a Comedy and Samuel Perry aka Brother Shaggi who won the Male Version in the same category.

historical drama, Amineby Izu Ojukwu & Okey Ogunjiofor won Best Overall Film.

2022 AMVCA Winners List

Best Actor in a Drama (Movie/TV Series)

Best Actress in a Drama (Movie/TV Series)

Osas Ighodaro – Rattlesnake: Ahanna’s Story

Best Original Drama Series Africa Magic

Funke Akindele – Omo Ghetto (The Saga)

Broda Shaggi/Samuel Perry – Decrease

Best Director (Movie) – Ramsey Nouah for Rattlesnake: Ahanna’s Story

Best Overall Film – Amina by Izu Ojukwu & Okey Ogunjiofor

Best Original Africa Magic Comedy Series

The Johnsons – Rogers Ofime

Best Supporting Actor (Movie/TV Series)

Odunlade Adekola – Jankariwo

Best Supporting Actress (Movie/TV Series)

Omowunmi Dada – Hard Country

Best Soundtrack (Movie/TV Series)

Gold Coast Lounge – Pascal Aka & Raquel (from Ghana)

Collision Race – Bolanle Austen-Peters, Joseph Umoibom and James Amuta

The Girl In The Yellow Sweater – Morocco Omari

Best Film – Southern Africa

Hairareb – Dantagos Jimmy-Melani

Best Short or Online Video

I am the prostitute mom described – Taiwo Ogunnimo

Best Documentary – If Objects Could Talk – Saitabao Kaiyare, Mumo Liku, Elena Schilling, Daniella Fritz, Ann Katrina Boberg

Best TV Series – Drama or Comedy

The Mystical River – Rogers Ofime

Best Online Social Content Creator – Oga Sabinus

Best Cinematographer -Mohammed Attah

Best Image Editor – Tunde Aplowo for ‘Maria Special Gift’

Best Art Director (Movie/TV Series) -Tunji Afolayan

Best Lightning Designer (Movie/TV Series) – Matthew Yusuf for Rattlesnake: Ahanna’s Story

best makeup – Balogun Abiodun for his work on Rattlesnake: The Ahanna Story

Best Writer (Movie/TV Series) – Manie Oisomaye, Donald Tombia and Biodun Stephen for the introduction of The Kujus

Best Indigenous Language Film or Series (Igbo) – Uche Nnanna Maduka

Best Indigenous Language Film or Series (Yoruba) – David Akande, Demola Yusuf, Edgard Leroy (Alaise)

Best Indigenous Language Film or Series (Hausa) – Rogers Ofime (voiceless)

Best Indigenous Language Film or TV Series (Swahili) -Freddy Feruzi

Best Dressed Man – Denola Gray

Best Dressed Woman -Osas Ighodaro

Industry Merit Award – Taiwo Ajayi-Lycett

Best Multi-Choice Talent Factory – Daisy Masembe – ‘I am not afraid’

Pioneer Award -Teniola Aladese




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