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Fred Ward dead | Kevin Bacon pays tribute to actor and friend of Tremors

Fred Ward dead |  Kevin Bacon pays tribute to actor and friend of Tremors


Stars have taken to social media to pay tribute to the late actor Fred Ward, led by Ward’s Tremors co-star Kevin Bacon.

Ward died May 8 at the age of 79, his rep confirmed in a statement to the New York Post.

I am sad to announce the passing of acclaimed actor Fred Ward, the statement read.

A cause of death was not confirmed, but the rep shared Wards last wishes, saying, “It was Fred Wards who wanted any memorial tributes to be made in the form of donations to the Boston University Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Center Please visit or contact 617-358-9535 for more information.”

Bacon, who starred with Ward in 1990s Tremors, paid tribute to Ward on social media, sharing a photo of the pair on the set of the cult horror flick.

“So sad to hear about Fred Ward,” he tweeted. “When it came to fighting underground worms, I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. I will always remember talking about his love for Django Reinhardt and jazz guitar during our long hot days in the high desert. Rest In Peace Fred.”

Ward’s film and television career spanned five decades and earned him a Golden Globe for his role in Short Cuts. His Summer Catch co-star Freddie Prinze Jr also added to the tributes, calling Ward “a real good human”.

Ward, who was born in San Diego, was a boxer before becoming an actor and broke his nose three times. Prinze Jr added that ward had “really cool stories” about his days as a club fighter. “He was good with everyone[ugh]”, he added. “The actors, the crew, the person who owned the house in which we shot, did not matter. All respect all the time.”

Stranger Things star Matthew Modine, who worked alongside Ward in Short Cuts and Equinox, posted a photo of the couple, saying he was “devastated to hear of the passing of my friend, Fred Ward”.

Director Edgar Wright also shared his “farewell” to Ward, tweeting how he “gave us so many tough, funny, relatable characters throughout his career and always had charm to burn. I love it. loved in Tremors, Miami Blues, The Right Stuff, The Player, Southern Comfort and more. RIP and thank you for all the movies x”.

In addition to a successful film career, Ward has also appeared on television shows including Grey’s Anatomy TV shows such as ER, Grays Anatomy, and True Detective.

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