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Downton Abbey: the true Hitchcock saga that inspired a new era

Downton Abbey: the true Hitchcock saga that inspired a new era


In Downton Abbey: A New Era, Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery) invites a silent film crew to make a film about his family’s vast estate. It’s a clever arrangement, the movie needs a terrific location, the Crawleys need revenue, and off-screen viewers need an entertaining storyline they haven’t seen in six seasons yet and a prequel.

But production under the Crawleys roof soon hits a snag. It’s 1928 and the movie director (Hugues Dancy) learns that the sudden success of talkies has essentially rendered his silent project obsolete. With the help of Downton Abbey’s resident problem solvers and moviegoers, the production figures out how to successfully wrap the film.

In a Zoom interview with vanity lounge this week, franchise producer Gareth Neame reveals that part of the plot was taken from his own family history.

My grandfather, Ronald Neame, on his first film, worked on Alfred Hitchcocks Blackmail, says Neame, referring to the 1929 film reminded as Britain’s first talkie. I think he was around 16 and was an assistant cameraman. That’s really where this story comes from. Because Blackmail began as a silent picture in 1928. While already in production, Hitchcock and his producers realized they were going to be late if they released a silent picture when everyone was moving to talking pictures.

Thus, halfway through production, the [crew] stopped, redesigned and turned into a telling picture exactly the scenario we raised, says Neame.

In Downton Abbey: A New Eraone of the obstacles to the realization of the walkie-talkie is leading lady Myrna Dalgleishs (Laura Haddock) voice that is not as delicate or refined as it looks. This story reflects Blackmail again, in that the leading lady of Hitchcock films, Anny Ondra, was Czech. So after shooting Blackmail entirely as a silent film set in London, the production hired British actor Joan Barry to read Ondras’ lines off-camera. (In his 1929 review, The New York Times marveled that Anny Ondra, a Czechoslovakian actress, doesn’t speak with a noticeable foreign accent.)

In these very primitive times of sound, they decided to bring [Barry] on set to stand right next to the camera with a microphone and lip-synch it, Neame explains, explaining that her great-grandmother Ivy Close was one of the silent film stars whose career declined with the advent of walkie-talkies. It was such a complete change in art form that a lot of people who had been silent film stars, their careers just didn’t develop.

Laura Haddock as silent film star Myrna Dalgleish in Downton Abbey: A New Era.

By Ben Blackall/Focus Features.

In Downton Abbey: A New Era, the film’s actors seem more culturally aligned with the downstairs staff than with their aristocratic hosts.

Talk to vanity lounge in a separate interview, franchise creator Julian Fellowes says that in 1928 movies were still looked down upon by the British upper classes as the kind of working-class entertainment that had taken over from the music hall.




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