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Critical review of Madison Square Garden Entertainment (MSGE) compared to its competitors

Critical review of Madison Square Garden Entertainment (MSGE) compared to its competitors


Entertainment at Madison Square Garden (NYSE: MSGEGet a rating) is one of 34 listed companies in the Entertainment and Leisure Services sector, but how does it differ from its competitors? We’ll compare Madison Square Garden Entertainment to related companies based on its dividend strength, risk, analyst recommendations, institutional ownership, valuation, earnings and profitability.

Insider and Institutional Ownership

73.1% of Madison Square Garden Entertainment’s stock is held by institutional investors. In comparison, 34.0% of the shares of all “Amusement and recreation services” companies are held by institutional investors. 24.6% of Madison Square Garden Entertainment stock is held by insiders. By comparison, 29.4% of the shares of all “Amusement and Leisure Services” companies are held by insiders. Strong institutional ownership indicates that hedge funds, endowments, and large fund managers believe a stock will outperform the market over the long term.

Valuation and benefits

This table compares the revenue, earnings per share (EPS), and market valuation of Madison Square Garden Entertainment and its competitors.

Gross revenue Net revenue Price/earnings ratio
Entertainment at Madison Square Garden $180.40 million -$377.19 million -8.25
Entertainment contestants at Madison Square Garden $914.79 million -75.39 million dollars 56.93

Madison Square Garden Entertainment’s competitors have higher revenues and profits than Madison Square Garden Entertainment. Madison Square Garden Entertainment trades at a lower price-to-earnings ratio than its competitors, indicating that it is currently more affordable than other companies in its industry.


This table compares the net margins, return on equity and return on assets of Madison Square Garden Entertainment and its competitors.

Net margins Return on equity return on assets
Entertainment at Madison Square Garden -16.04% -9.60% -4.10%
Entertainment contestants at Madison Square Garden -2,733.84% -2.38% -207.36%

Analyst Recommendations

This is a breakdown of current ratings and price targets for Madison Square Garden Entertainment and its competitors, as reported by

Sales Ratings Hold odds Buy reviews Strong buy odds Rating
Entertainment at Madison Square Garden 1 2 1 0 2.00
Entertainment contestants at Madison Square Garden 73 270 379 ten 2.45

Madison Square Garden Entertainment currently has a consensus price target of $87.60, suggesting a potential upside of 35.12%. As a group, “amusement and recreation services” companies have an upside potential of 76.10%. Since Madison Square Garden Entertainment’s competitors have a higher consensus rating and higher likely upside, analysts clearly believe that Madison Square Garden Entertainment has less favorable growth aspects than its competitors.

Volatility and risk

Madison Square Garden Entertainment has a beta of 1.04, which means its stock price is 4% more volatile than the S&P 500. Comparatively, Madison Square Garden Entertainment’s competitors have a beta of -0.49, which which means that their average price is 149% less volatile. than the S&P 500.


Madison Square Garden Entertainment competitors beat Madison Square Garden Entertainment on 9 of the 13 factors compared.

Madison Square Garden Entertainment Company Profile (Get a rating)

Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. is active in the entertainment sector. It produces, presents or hosts various live entertainment events, including concerts, family shows and special events, as well as sporting events, such as professional boxing, college basketball and hockey, horse riding professional bullfighting, mixed martial arts, electronic sports and wrestling. in its venues, including Madison Square Garden, Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall and Beacon Theatre, and Chicago Theatre. The company also operates 61 dining and nightlife venues spanning 23 markets across five continents under the Tao, Marquee, Lavo, Beauty & Essex, Cathdrale, Hakkasan and Omnia brands; and creates and operates New England’s premier music festival. Additionally, he features the Radio City Rockettes, who star at his Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall. The company was founded in 2006 and is based in New York, New York.

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