The new HBO series is a mirror of our current era

The plot against America may be too close a nightmare. The echoes of our present times can be painfully real.

A mini-series based on the novel by Phillip Roths, the action takes place in the early 1940s when Nazi sympathizer Charles Lindbergh, the first true celebrity of mass media, decides to run against FDR for the presidency, promising to keep the United States out of a war in Europe.

The Levin family from Newark looks on first with concern, then with horror. Dad Herman (Morgan Spector) has a fierce faith in America; Mom Elizabeth (Zoe Kazan, subtly spectacular) is far from certain. Elizabeth Evelyn's sister (Winona Ryder) falls in love with a rabbi (John Turturro) who becomes an apologist / facilitator for Lindbergh. Hermans' nephew, Alvin (breakout Anthony Boyle), heads north to Canada to join the fight against Germany.

The Levin kids, teenager Sandy (Caleb Malls) and young wide-eyed Phillip (Azhy Robertson) are confused and torn apart by all of this. Suddenly, their comfortable Jewish life is a mess of broken allegiances, political upheavals and family struggles.

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Created and written by David Simon (The Wire, The Deuce), The Plot Against America is not a glaring exploitation of Nazi wickedness that takes a step forward. It is far too wise for that. He watches prejudice and injustice insidiously spread as a disease, as the abnormal, the obnoxious and the unthinkable become commonplace.

History rubs against power as Rabbi and Evelyn become props of government, but wisely spends most of his time in Newark with the Levins, observing from the street that the ideal of the ideal America is deformed and depleted, and a nation once united is divided. Hate class on the map. All that's missing is a virus and a ton of orange makeup. Again, such a close nightmare.

Tom Long is a longtime contributor to The Detroit News.

"The plot against America"


9 p.m. Monday


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